5/78 College
- II House. C15 or earlier, with later modifications. Cob, on stone plinth, rendered,
with gabled-end wheat-reed thatch roof. Formerly a 3-room, cross passage plan. The
higher end to the right of passage (which no longer survives) all under a smoke-
blackened medieval roof marked externally by the higher roof-ridge. The inner room
later heated by an external end stack, the hall by an external front, lateral stack,
all with brick shafts, the tops rebuilt with later bricks. The lower end (with
internal end stack) was possibly always of 2 storeys with a large projecting newel
stair turret. Now 2 storeys throughout.
Front: between left-hand stair turret and the entrance, two 2-light windows to
ground floor, and two 2-light windows to 1st floor, under eyebrow eaves, the gables
boarded. All casements timber of 3 panes each and C20. To the right of the front
stack 2 timber windows each of 3 lights but at first floor matching those to left.
The left hand gable end with one blocked ground-floor light, early C19. Right-hand
end with no windows.
Rear: one 2-light window at ground floor level, one above under eyebrow eaves
(unboarded gable), and another tiny first-floor window. Rear door not opposed to
front. Interior: considerably altered, but inner room retains a beam, chamfered,
with step stop, and is divided from hall by a plank and muntin screen, muntins
chamfered, the upper horizontal beam with mural decoration of painted black floral
design. Roof: smoke blackened principals and rafters over higher end; the
trusses, possibly jointed crucks, the apex morticed and side pegged, with ridge
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