SX 64 NW
Wonwell Court
II* Large farmhouse. C16, C18 and C19. Coursed slate-stone rubble or rendered
walling, slate roofs. A complex building in which an C18 facade conceals an
earlier building, perhaps an open hall, or a 3-room cross-passage L-plan house,
to which was added in the C19 a very large wing on the south-east side to give
an overall U-plan with an extended wing on the north-east side. Much of the
earliest structure, including its roof, was enclosed by later reconstructions.
Entrance front is 2 storeys, 4 windows, all 24-pane early C18 sashes, to splayed
voussoirs and plain string, ground floor, and string to deep frieze and
bracketted eaves at first floor. In bay 3 a 6-panel moulded C18 door to 8-pane
overlight in granite 'Tuscan' pilasters carrying a shell hood on brackets, with
coat of arms. Extending right on this front a section of wall to a brick
stack. Return, left has larger double 15-pane sash in rendering and plain end
gable. Right return has a 20-pane sash and two 2-light at first floor, 3-light
at ground floor, and a large rendered stack at right end; beyond this a one-
storey kitchen with a further stack. The back has a 1 1/2-storey extension with
low-pitched slate roof, with three half-dormers in 2+3+3 lights over two 3-light
to segmental heads, doors to left and right. The principal stack to the hall/
saloon emerges centrally half-way up the slope. The later wing retains various
sashes and casements. Interior: entrance hall has dado height fielded panelling
doors with moulded architraves, 6-panel fielded doors. Small corner room to
right, with diagonally set fireplace in corner also has dado panelling, inclu-
ding deep embrasures to windows. The main saloon or hall, to left, has full
height fielded panelling, glazed cupboard with fluted pilasters, fine dentil
cornice; 3 deep plastered beams. Round-arched chamfered brick opening gives to
service wing, has broad plank door on strap hinges. Victorian baluster stair-
case. One principal bedroom has bolection mould wood fire surround. Various
fielded panel doors. Principal floor over saloon is double construction with
'suspended' ceiling. Roof to main C18 reconstruction is later C19 king post
trusses, but these are set independently above the complete C16 roof in
6 trusses to 2 purlins and chamfered arched bracing to central 'stop'. All
joints pegged and numbered. No evidence of wind bracing. Principals halved at
ridge, no ridgepiece. The service wing has, at lower level than principal roof,
5 trusses with cambered collars, all members pegged and numbered.
Listing NGR: SX6295847598
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