(east side) 4/59 No 3 [formerly listed as
No 3 (Viner and Carew)] GV 30.5.77 II shall be amended to read:
(east side)
4/59 No 3
GV 30.5.77 II House with shop, the left-hand section originally part of No 4 (qv).
C16 with early C17 additions; altered late C17 or early C18, and early
C19. Timber-framed front covered with slate-hanging. Slate roof. Small
rendered chimney to left of ridge.
Plan: The left-hand section is itself in 2 builds, the front part
being an early C17 addition (perhaps an entrance porch) to the C16
house behind. The right-hand section seems to be entirely an early C17
addition, probably designed as a separate house. Rear wing with lean-
to roof.
Exterior: 3 storeys with garret. 2 windows wide with 1 window in
exposed portion of side-wall to right. Ground storey has slightly
projecting late C19 or early C20 shop front which overlaps the shop
front at No 2 (qv). This has thin fluted attached columns at either
side of entrance. Entablature with fluted band at top of frieze;
moulded and reeded cornice; the whole returned round right side-wall.
The original shop front finished at the stone centre-wall and has
later been extended to the left, but without the entablature. Upper
storeys hung with deep, broad slates, the vertical joints covered with
narrow slates which form long strips from shop front to eaves. Flush-
framed windows with 8-paned sashes. At the top is a plank band, 2
planks high, probably replacing an earlier eaves-cornice.
Interior: was in course of alteration when inspected in May 1991. Most
features of historic interest were being retained, though not
necessarily exposed to view; the centre portion of the stone centre-
wall was being removed on the ground storey. At the front of the
ground storey on the right-hand side is an ovolo-moulded wooden post
set against the stone centre-wall and tenoned at the top into a
mutilated ovolo-moulded beam which spans the whole front. The post has
a mortice for a horizontal timber and the beam has the blocked mortice.
of a former post, suggesting a former window about 1.17m wide.
The post has a mortice for a horizontal timber and the beam has the
blocked mortice of a former post, suggesting a former window about
1.17m wide. Above the beam are original, plain waney joists,
projecting to form a jetty of about 30 cms. These did not carry the
upper-floor structure; instead this rested on a second beam
immediately in front of them, supported at the left-hand end by a
free-standing post (which still survived in 1991). In Cl9 a new front
was added enclosing the earlier posts and jetty within the shop. The
upper floor has a fireplace with chamfered, monolithic granite jambs
and lintel, the whole disguised by a wooden bolection-moulded
chimneypiece. Room has a small, moulded plaster cornice, this breaking
forward above the left end of the chimney breast, as if over a
pilaster. At the rear is a wooden, open-well staircase of late C17 or
early C18 date, rising to the garret; it must originally have
descended to the ground storey. It has closed moulded strings,
symmetrical turned balusters; square newels with flat moulded caps and
a moulded hand rail with a slightly pointed top; some balusters have
been replaced, either with thick square ones or turned ones of an
older Cl7 design. The left-hand section (originally part of No 4) has
in the rear of the ground storey a chamfered half-beam with lodged
joists along the stone centre-wall. At the front it is jettied out
over what seems to be the dressed stone jamb of the original front
door. Butting against this is a later beam arrangement, including the
chamfered and stopped joist-ends of a former jetty. Upon these rests
a hollow and bead-moulded beam with chamfered studs rising from it
into the upper storey. These, and the beams above and below them, are
grooved front and back, the front grooves carrying the remains of
wooden panels. At the rear of the upper floor is the end of a ceiling-
beam moulded with a half-round and 2 hollows, probably of early or mid
C16 date; it protrudes through the party-wall into No 4 without stops.
The roof over this section has not been converted into a garret; it
can be seen that the chimney has a weathering, suggesting the building
has been heightened by a storey. ------------------------------------ 1.
(east side) No 3 [formerly listed
as No 3 (Viner and
SX 4874 4/59 30.5.77 II GV
Late C18 or early C19. Projecting 3-storey, 2 window front of slate-hanging similar
to No 2. The second floor windows are sashes with flush frames. Other windows
altered. Shopfront has original cornice with mutules and Tuscan half columns. Listing NGR: SX4809374467
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