SE 61 SW
Timber framed building
(Formerly Listed as:
(West side)
Timber-framed building on south side of junction with Hall Road) II Alternatively known as: Timber framed building, BRIDGE HILL Timber-framed building now commercial premises. Probably late C17, altered. Exposed and internal timber-framing, wall partly brick and weatherboarding (covered by corrugated metal sheeting), also some breeze block, rendered. Corrugated iron sheeting roof. PLAN: Single storey with double-pitched roof, 3 bays with east gable facing Water Lane. EXTERIOR: East gable has wide blocked, recessed window, previously large C20 shop window, with blocked, recessed entrance doorway to right. Exposed wall-post to right corner, mid-rail, braces to tie beam, with stud infill above and below. West gable retains part of south-west wall-post and mid-rail set on brick and breeze block walling, attached stable block not of special interest. North elevation has central bay flanked by complete wall-posts with braces to wall-plate on both sides. Wide, high doorway with metal roller shutter replacing former large boarded doors. Bay to the left has rendered walling below slightly raised mid-rail with stud infill above, brace from outer corner wall-post to wall-plate. Bay to right has rendered brick lower wall, with upper part obscured by corrugated metal sheeting behind which is weatherboarding. Mid-rail set on brick wall, with wall-plate, braces and some stud infill to rear of weatherboarding, not visible externally. South elevation has old brick walling, now largely removed in west bay, with bricked-up segmental archway to central bay. Wall-posts to each side of central bay, and wall-plate visible, fire-damaged, and sawn off in west bay. East bay not visible externally. INTERIOR: Principal-rafter trusses with pegged braces from wall-posts to tie-beams, and wind braces (most missing) to original single trenched purlin to each side, diamond ridge beam. Purlins have stopped-splay scarf joints. One C20 nailed board purlin added above and below the original purlins. Ridge beam and purlins sawn off in west bay, which is now unroofed. Modern workshop built in lower part of east bay with breeze block walls and timber ceiling. Not built at time of listing in 1987 and not of special interest. REASON FOR DESIGNATION
The timber-framed building on Hall Road is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* It is an impressive, late-C17 timber-framed building that contains a significant proportion of its original fabric.
* The building is a rare survival of this building type in the area.
* Despite recent losses of timber-framing concentrated in the west bay, which has lost its roof structure, the layout and construction of the 3-bay building remains clearly visible. Listing NGR: SE6413811978
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