SE 57 NW
2/63 Newburgh Mill
- II Disused corn water mill. Mid C19 building, and attached at rear, remains of C15
mill with extensions of 1689 and the early C18. Later range of brick with
interlocking tile roof, older range of sandstone with added brickwork. Later
range: 2 storeys and left, 2 bays. Brick in English garden wall bond. Gable
(north) end facing track: central board doors on each floor including loft,
flanked on ground and first floors by a side-sliding sash window, and with sack
hoist in gable above. Left return: one opening with boarded shutter. Right
return: 2 bays of side-sliding sash windows. Across the back of the building,
at right angles and extending beyond it to the rear left (south) is the older
mill. This has a basement and ground floor in rubble sandstone terminating in
an offset, and has in the right return (west side) 3 unevenly-spread openings on
each floor, including to the far right the tail-race arch; above is a brick
gable added in 1689, and part of the early C18 brickwork which raised the older
gable by one storey. On the north side of the older mill, at the left end, is a
board door in quoined surround, and in the brickwork above a side-sliding sash
window. In the east side of the older mill is the arch to the mill head-race,
above which is a first-floor round-arched doorway in C17 brickwork with a sand-
stone ashlar keystone, with access up some steps, now collapsed. Interior: the
roof of the older mill has collapsed inside the mill, destroying the second
floor; the debris is lying on the first and ground floors, but the metal over-
shot water wheel, on suspension principles, some millstones and the line-shaft
gearing remain in the mill. For measured drawings, see C J Hatches, "The
Architectural Evolution of Corn Watermills in North and East Yorkshire", Vol 2,
unpublished M Phil Dissertation, Leeds Polytechnic, School of Architecture and
Listing NGR: SE5389576671
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Books and journals Hatches, C J , The Architectural Evolution of Corn Watermills in North and East YorkshireOther Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 32 North Yorkshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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