NZ 2011-2111 (east side) Aldbrough St John
11/20 Aldbrough House
GV II House. Late C17, with extensive early C19 alterations. Rubble, Welsh slate
roof. 2 and 3 storeys, 2:3 bays. Main house, to right: 3 storeys, 3 bays.
Quoins. Central part-glazed door below 3-pane overlight in segmental-arched
ashlar surround with doorcase of engaged Tuscan columns, frieze, cornice and
blocking course above. Sash windows with glazing bars and exposed sash
boxes with deep lintels, 9-pane unequally-hung on second floor, and, those on
ground floor in first and third bays and on first and second floors of third
bay blind, painted to imitate others. Older blocked openings of 2 types
visible, probably indicating a house of 2 lower storeys and half third
storey; also doorway to left, and deeper first-floor window to right. Brick
end stacks. To left, 2-storey range, with sash windows with glazing bars on
ground floor, 9-pane unequally-hung on first floor, and large staircase sash
window with glazing bars to right. Rear of main house: on ground floor, 2
large tripartite sash windows with glazing bars and cornices; first- and
second-floor windows as before. Right return: to left, 15-pane sash window
on ground floor, and 1 window on first and second floors as before; to
right, blocked ground-floor 3-light mullion and transom window; on first
floor and second floor, fire window and 3-light mullion window. Left
return: fluted lead rainwater head. At left side, said to be a stone
inscribed "IHS 1633". Interior: open well cantilevered stone staircase with
metal "stick" balusters; doors of 6 reeded panels. At left side, said to be
stone inscribed "IHS 1633".
Listing NGR: NZ2032711166
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