6/17 The King's Head Public
House GV II Long-jetty house, c.1500, altered in C19. Timber framed, plastered, with brick
facade in Flemish bond, roofed with handmade red clay tiles. 4 bays aligned
NW-SE, aspect SW, with chimney stack in second bays from SE end, forming a lobby-
entrance. 3 rear extensions, of which 2 have end chimney stacks, C19 and C20,
and 2 single-storey extensions beyond. Main range extended to SE by approx.
600mm in C18/19, and SW elevation faced with brick, obscuring jetty, C19. 2
storeys. Main elevation of painted brick. Half-glazed door, 4 double-hung
sash windows of 4,4,6 and 6 lights respectively, with external hinged shutters.
First floor, 3 double-hung sash windows of 6 lights, all late C19/20. Chimney
stack has grouped diagonal shafts. Interior has jowled posts and exposed
framing, heavy studs, plain-chamfered axial beams with plain stops, unchamfered
joists of horizontal section jointed to beams with unrefined soffit tenons.
The NW bay was the service end, axial partition removed, positions of twin
service doors and original stair trap identifiable. Original front door
blocked, but one iron hinge still in situ. Jetty underbuilt. 2 large wood-
burning hearths, one with original wooden cupboard at rear. On first floor,
one unglazed rear window with 2 of 3 diamond mullions in situ, arched braces
to tiebeams. Roof of clasped purlin construction with high arched collars at
every fourth rafter couple, and curved wind bracing. All rafters re-used,
trenched for former use in a crownpost construction. RCHM 10.
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