2/3 Bullaton Farmhouse
GV II Derelict farmhouse. Late medieval with late C16 or C17 wing; lower end rebuilt in
late C19. Stone rubble with some brick in C19 part; rendered in patches. Roof
partly slated, partly covered with corrugated iron. Red brick chimneystack in left-
hand gable, just behind the ridge. Pair of stacks in centre; left-hand stack, on
ridge, of late C19 red and yellow brick, right-hand stack; just behind ridge, of
granite ashlar with a brick top. Probably a 3-room and cross-passage plan
originally with kitchen wing added at right-angles to hall and inner room; hall
stack backing on to passage, kitchen stack in gable of wing, its upper part now
removed. The passage and lower room appear to have been replaced in C19 by parlours
and a staircase. 2 storeys, the front section of wing now reduced to a single-
storey lean-to. The hall must originally have been single-storeyed. The C19 lower
end, to left, has a 3-window front. There is only 1 window in ground storey, at
right-hand end, this having a C19 wood casement of 2 lights, each light with 6
panes. Second storey has a 6-pane wood sash window at either end and a tall narrow
staircase window in the centre, this having a 2-pane wood sash. To right, in the
older part of the house, is a single staircase window, set between storeys; this
contains a 2-light wood casement, each light with 8 leaded panes of old glass. The
wing has in its inner face, to left, a door with 4 flush panels and a cast-iron
knocker; C20 hood above. To right is a plank door with a 12-pane wood casement
above, re-used as a fanlight. At left-hand end of second storey is a 2-light wood
casement window, each light with 12 leaded panes of old glass.
Interior: former hall has a granite fireplace with hollow moulding on lintel and
left jamb, the right-hand side having been cut away. Chamfered upper floor-beams.
Stud-and-panel screen at upper end, the studs chamfered with diagonal-cut stops on
the hall side, plain towards the narrow and unheated inner room. One complete and
one incomplete incised drawing of C18 sailing ships on hall face; at the rear,
south-east end, of the hall face, the stops are placed high up to allow for a heavy
plank bench which, if not original, is certainly old. The roof retains a single
side-pegged jointed-cruck truss with butt purlins and ridge; this lies above the
common hall and is smoke-blackened, along with the adjacent common rafters. South-
west of it is a closed truss, set almost midway over the hall, the upper part of
which must have been part-floored from the first. At the south-west end is a hip
cruck. The wing has chamfered upper-floor beams with original joists. The gable
fireplace in the ground storey has a chamfered wood lintel with step-stops. Roof
retains 2 similar, unblackened trusses with butt purlins and collars tenoned to the
principal rafters. In one truss the principals are raised crucks; in the other
their feet are not visible. The upper storeys of both wing and hall range are
reached by a straight flight of stone steps at the front of the hall.
The farm buildings present a remarkably complete picture of a C19 Dartmoor farm.
All are included in the listing as part of the curtilage of the farmhouse, but the
linhay and barn, ash house and rick-stands are separately listed as items of special
Listing NGR: SX8013282041
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