II Farmhouse. C17, extensive restoration, enlargement and refenestration dated 1894. Random
rubble local stone, brick dressings particularly forming dentil mouldings, slate roofs, 3
bays left of central block and north-east wing roofed at a higher level, slate-hung east
end of higher block, decorative bargeboards, large external stack east gable end, this
and others with square stone plinths carrying paired hexagonal chimneypots with dentil
cornices and paired rectangular openings, set end bay right of centre block, at junction
with north-east wing and centre of wing. L-plan facing east, earlier range to south and
single storey service range parallel to main block on west front, with entrance to
courtyard north. East front: one and a half storeys, 1:1:3 bays, long 2-bay re-entrant
angle, full-height porch second bay left, all first floor windows have dentil-moulded
cills, all 3-light leaded casements except for 2-light in porch, heraldic glass in
windows is painted on internally except for end bay left which is stained glass, ground
floor window openings 4-light wooden casements, subsidisy entrance with half-glazed
porch and flat-roofed porch abutting porch to left, cantilevered flat roofed projection
on brackets, 6-panel part glazed door, 2 similar windows to right; wing lit only on
first floor with gabled casements similar to those in main block, inserted C20 window
at junction with wing. Datestone 'IBI 1696' inset. South front: 3 bay range left of
gable end stack which is flanked by 2-light casements. Interior: South range with
kitchen contains 2 chamfered beams, remains of stud and plank partition to scullery,
probably C18, thick walls. The west range contains slate-floored dairy. Southern end of
main block to left of thick wall in through passage, against which straight C19 stair
rises, not seen. Inner room not seen, end room with imported C18-style panelling,
veneered and varnished and said to have come from Ashley Court, Tiverton; there is a
bolection moulded surrround to the inset late C19 chimneypiece with C18 overmantel
landscape painting. Corridor addition on west side contains another straight stair.
North-east wing containing services and shed lit on north front. Upper floor not seen.
Possibly C16 enlarged late C17 but the pebble pavement dated 1696 has either been
relocated or it is contemporary with the wing. A lively facade with distinctive
chimneypots. (Photograph in NMR)
Listing NGR: SS3818415993
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