SE 08 NE PRESTON-UNDER-SCAR BOLTON HALL 9/56 Farm Buildings adjoining
Stable Courtyard GV II
Barn, cart-sheds, stables and ancillary buildings. Early-mid C19. Rubble,
stone slate roofs. Single- and 2-storey ranges, forming 2 courtyards. Barn
facing west: 2 storeys. 3 board doors below 4-pane overlights. To right,
large barn doors in C20 opening. To left, small window. First floor: 3
window openings. At right angles, behind left end, and abutting at its
other end the north-west corner of the stable courtyard (q.v.) a 2-storey block
facing south: 5 cart-shed openings partially infilled and with board doors.
At each end a fixed-light window. Above, 7 part-shuttered windows.
Interior: in each bay a pair of stalls for farm horses. At back an added
range facing north, forming 3-bay cart-shed with hay-loft above with three
12-pane unequally-hung sash windows, and another, lean-to, outbuilding.
Across courtyard, single-storey range facing south: 8-bay cart-shed. 7 open
bays of segmental arches, the 8th bay divided off, to form forge, with board
doors in opening, tripartite side-sliding sash window under deep lintel, and
chimney. At right end, closing east end of yard, single-storey return range
facing west, forming pig slaughter-house, tack-room and workshop. 3 board
doors below cambered arches, flanked by 2 window openings. At left end,
partially closing west end of yard, single-storey return range facing east
forming joiner's shop, with 2 segmental-arched cart openings blocked with
side-sliding sash window and board stable door. Hipped roof to left.
Single-storey game larder approximately 5 metres to west, with board door in
south gable end, with louvred ventilator above. 2 single-storey rest rooms
approximately 10 metres to west of barn, each of 1 bay, gable-entry with
board doors. Lateral ashlar stacks.
Listing NGR: SE0742489813
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