SX 64 NW
GV II Manor house. C16 and C17 with C19 fenestration and modifications. Granite
rubble, whitewashed to end gable, slate roofs, some asbestos cement slate. A
cross-passage 3-room plan with additions, two spiral staircases to back; the
whole is set across the land slope, and steps up from left to right, with a
break in roof line to right of the cross-passage. Two storeys; left, lower part
has small fixed 12-pane casement at ground level, below a 3-light horizontal bar
casement and a 2-light small-pane casement. Left return, which is flanked by
buttresses with offsets, has a 2-light casement and glazed door, plus small
2-light at ground floor, below two 24-pane Yorkshire sashes. At junction
between p....... is a C16 door in chamfered arched wood frame in wide porch to
flat open gable and stone cheeks with slate seats. Right half has two 24-pane
and one 16-pane Yorkshire sashes at ground floor, and above are two 24-pane
Yorkshire sashes; sashes are variously C19 or C20. Stone and brick stack at
ridge at junction, and to right gable. Back has C19 kitchen under swept-down
roof, with large late C19 brick stack in roof slope; far left at first floor is
a small C18 2-light casement, with door below. Upper gable has 16-pane
Yorkshire sash above two smaller casements. Interior: slate slab cross-passage
has door left and steps down to former service end, which may have been cut back
from its original extent; ovolo mould door surround, one large rough transverse
beam. Very thick walls. Back door to passage is C20; to its left the foot of
one of the spiral staircases. Main parlour, right has fireplace with extremely
deep rough granite lintel to rebuilt cheeks having two corbels to support the
lintel ends. Two chamfered transverse beams, two further ovolo mould
doorframes. The upper, end room has two spine beams and a series of rough but
deep joists forming a box-like series of compartments. This room has some
painted panelling in the C17 manner, but of uncertain date and possibly
imported. Second spiral stair gives from main parlour. End bedroom has very
wide elm boards, also a wall of heavy box timber framing, and a screen to
stairhead in C17 panelling. Middle room now has partition to give corridor;
from this one blocked window to back. Lowest room has fireplace with chamfered
bressummer carried on two stone corbels. Various early doors.
Listing NGR: SX6358549402
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