SX 47 SE 6/179 Woodtown Farmhouse
- II Farmhouse. Early-mid C17, with C19 alterations and some C20 alterations. Painted
rubble, tiled hipped roof, half-hipped to right, ridge stack to right of front
entrance and gable end stack to left.
Original plan uncertain, now 3-room plan with entrance directly into central room;
upper end room to right and central room heated from axial stack with back to back
fireplaces, end room to left originally dairy, heated by end stack, probably a later
addition. Stair tower to rear left of central room.
2 storeys and 4 windows, first floor has 3 C20 2-light casements under eaves and a 4-
pane light with margin glazing above the porch; ground floor has door with glazed
panel to end right, gabled porch with stable doors, inner door has granite chamfered
and step-stopped surround. To left of porch, a 3-light casement in chamfered granite
surround with mullions cut away, 2-light C20 casement to left. Small single storey
lean-to to front left and 2-storey lean-to stable attached to end left with door and
single light at ground floor and loading door above. Left side of stable has single
storey lean-to, both pitched roofs in corrugated iron. Rear has upepr end to left
with 2-light casement at ground and first floor, single storey lean-to conceals any
possible evidence of rear passage entry, lean-to has 2-light casement to side and
door to rear. 2-storey stair tower with gable end to rear has first floor single
light with slate lintel and similar blocked window in gable end, C20 4-pane light to
right side at ground floor and small single storey addition in angle to right with
door. Lower end to right has 2-light casement at ground and first floor, stable has
small unglazed window at ground floor.
Interior Central room has slate floor, 6 cross beams, 4 chamfered, C20 fireplace,
ledged door in moulded frame to rear stair tower, 4-panelled door to end room to
left. End room to left has 4 cross beams, 2 chamfered, C20 fireplace. Stair tower
has unusually wide wooden newel stair around one post, single light at first floor in
hollow-chamfered granite surround with iron stanchion; at first floor a chamfered
wooden doorframe gives access to rear longitudinal passage. C19 principal rafters
visible at first floor. Upper end room at ground floor has blocked fireplace.
Listing NGR: SX4872171970
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