SX 15 NW
10/92 Nos 29 (Boseglos)
GV II House. Probably mid C18, enlarged and altered mid C19, with later C19 addition by
G. E. Street; some later alterations. Slatestone and granite rubble, with C19 brick
dressings; the addition by G.E. Street is in coursed metamorphic stone rubble with
granite banding and dressings. Slate roofs, hipped over the earlier C19 building,
the G. E. Street addition with gable end, stack to side and gable end stacks.
3-room plan, rebuilt early mid C19 with end to Fore Street altered to give passage
access to rear of house; the G. E. Street addition to west includes porch set in
angle to earlier range, and is of one-room plan. The earlier straight stair is
extended by a short flight at first floor to rear the upper room of the G. E. Street
addition, upper room heated by side stack. Overall L-plan.
Fore Street front has end of first range to right, of 2 storeys and 2 windows, at
first floor two 12-pane sashes, at ground floor to left 16-pane sash with cambered
brick head and 6-panelled door with overlight to right. G. E. Street addition to
left of 2 storeys, slightly set back, porch with pitched roof in angle. The porch
has triple lancet with colonnettes and corbels. Doorway to side with shouldered
head, inner doorway has double half-glazed doors with Gothic margin glazing and 4-
centred arched fanlight with Gothic interlaced glazing. 2 gabled dormers, each with
2-light casement with shouldered head, gable to left has banded arch with upper
quatrefoil. The gable end of the G.E. Street addition has 3-light mullion and
transom window, chamfered, with trefoil heads, at ground floor, similar oriel window
at first floor. To the left side an external stack with brick chimney. Left side of
the main range has 2 C20 12-pane sashes at first floor with brick segmental heads;
roof hipped at rear end with 12-pane sash under eaves. Right side has 2 doors, 16-
pane sash and 12-pane sash under eaves. Extended behind C19 build, with first floor
addition in brick.
Interior In the C19 building, the ground floor room has shutters with strap hinges to
window. At first floor, the stair is extended with one panel of balustrade, to enter
the first floor room of the addition. This has roof of 3 bays, with principal rafters
and collars, all chamfered with run-out stops, 4-panelled door. Marble chimneypiece
introduced in C20.
Listing NGR: SX1043759766
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