SX 46 SW
6/148 Bittleford Farmhouse with attached
Farmhouse, formerly the home farmhouse for the Pentillie estate. Mid-late C17, with
addition to rear of late C17-early C18; later alterations including the addition of a
dairy in late C18-early C19, and C19 additions and alterations; few later
alterations. Slatestone rubble, roughcast. Hipped slate roof with ridge tiles;
stack to right end and rear lateral hall stack to left in rubble with brick shaft;
gable end stack to the rear wing.
Plan: 2-room plan, with central passage, possibly originally a through passage. To
the left is a large hall/kitchen, heated by a rear lateral stack. To the right is a
smaller service room, heated by an end stack to right. Probably circa 1700, a rear
wing was added to left, of one-room plan, heated by gable end stack; there is a
straight stair between the main range and the rear parlour. Later in the C18, a
stair was inserted in the rear of the passage. Probably in the C19, a single storey
outshut was added to the left side of the rear wing, as an unheated dairy. Probably
circa 1800, a large dairy was added to the left of the hall/kitchen, for the milk
from the farms on the Pentillie e state. The hall/kitchen has been partitioned to
form 2 rooms.
Exterior: 2 storeys, asymmetrical 4-window range; gabled, open-fronted porch to
right, possibly originally storied, and rebuilt, with lime mortar in the porch and
earth mortar in the main wall. Unusually wide inner doorway with door with wooden
studs and glazed panel, moulded frame. 2-light 8-pane casement at ground floor to
right 2-light 6-pane casement at first floor to right, both with L hinges. Wall
stepped back above the porch. To left, C20 casement at ground floor and 2-light 6-
pane casement at first floor. To left, there is a 3-light 8-pane casement with
segmental head at ground floor, 3-light 6-pane casement with L hinges and raking
dormer above. End left 2-light casement at first floor. To left, the dairy is
attached to front, with half-hipped roof; 3-light casement and plain door with
cambered heads. The right end has 2-light C20 casement at ground and first floor.
The left end has 12-light 6-pane casement with L hinges at ground floor. The rear of
the dairy has the gable end partially rebuilt in C20, 2-light casement with cambered
brick head to the side. Rear of the main range has a 2-light casement at first
floor. The rear wing is 2-storey; inner side has central inserted plain door with 2-
light casement to left and 3-light casement to right; 2-light casement lighting the
stair to left and 3-light 6-pane casement with L hinges at first floor to centre.
External gable end stack. The outer side of the wing has two 2-light 2-pane
casements at first floor. Attached at ground floor a single storey unheated outshut
with C20 window and rooflights. The rear of the main range has a 2-light casement at
first floor.
Interior: The front door has strap hinges with chevron decoration, loop for draw bar.
Unusually wide passage, with step down to room to right, much altered in C20. Step
up to the hall to left, which has been partitioned; slate paved floor, with straight
stair inserted at the higher end. A stair has also been inserted in the passage,
dividing to right and left. The rear parlour has a 2-bay ceiling, divided by a boxed
beam, with ovolo-moulded plaster cornice. Different plaster moulding along the inner
wall, where the room had previously been sub-divided for a passage from the doorway
in the wing. The gable end fireplace has been rebuilt, formerly had a cloam oven.
In the outshut is an unheated dairy, with slate floor. The separate dairy has slate
floor, slate shelves and 3 drains in the front wall; pump.
Roof over the main range: 3 trusses survive at the lower end, formerly with trenched
purlins; halved principals. The other trusses are of later C17 - early C18, not
chamfered, with halved principal rafters, cambered collars pegged to the faces of the
principals, one numbered with Roman numeral III.
Listing NGR: SX4199663132