In the following item:-
(South Side)
Bumpit (Formerly listed
as Bumpit Farm Cottages)
The description should be amended to read:-
House. C15 and C16, dated 1587. Timber framed and exposed with plaster infill, and
part clad in red brick, with plain tiled roofs. L-shaped plan, the main range of 3
framed bays and screens passage, added and built into an earlier hall house, now
only of 2 framed bays and used after 1587 as service wing. West (entrance) front:
2 storeys and garret on basement. Small panel framing. Stack to rear centre right.
Irregular fenestration of 2 wood casements on first floor and 3 on ground floor,
with blocked mullioned lights visible on both floors. Plank and stud door to left
in carved and moulded fourcentred arched surround. Right return front: clad with
red brick, with plinth, plat band, and carved wooden triglyph frieze to gable.
Left return front: large panel framing with tension braces. Part clad with red
brick to left in C15 wing. Interior: main range with 3 cell and screens passage,
the hall always of 1 storey, stack away from screens passage with newel stair and
through passage to parlour. Some structural evidence for now lost 2 storey porch
over screens passage entry, and end right bay possible later addition. Staggered
purlin roof. Wall paintings: in parlour, concealed by C18 pine panelling, trompe l'oeil
wainscotting of c1605, brush-grained to imitate pine, with stencilled arabesques, dado
rail, surmounted by landscape scenes, and above this more panelling, certainly in a
different style and possibly later in date. In the Hall: C16 fireplace of moulded
brick painted with red ochre and marbled to resemble stone; opening 8 feet wide;
in the spandrels the Crest of the Ropers of Lynsted Lodge (the owners of the house
in 1587),a black lion rampant holding a golden coronet on a silver ground. Sir
John Roper was the great nephew by marriage of Sir Thomas More. Above is a finely
executed wall painting of the Royal Coat of Arms supported by the English lion and
the Welsh dragon of the Tudors, with a free flowing design of fruit, flowers and
birds in the background. (See Trudy West,"The Fireplace in the Home", David and
Charles 1976, pp45-48 which has a full page illustration). An upstairs room with
painting over the fireplace with unreadable inscription and 2 figures, a woman
praying before a lectern to left, and a man in similar position-- to right, with relics
of a frieze, cartouche and other figures. The fireplace is polychromed with carved
flowers in geometric shapes on lintel. Painted acanthus frieze around room.
Another upstairs room with Grotesque figures of female masks, birds, lions, foliage,
with painted billet frieze and inscription "If in God's might you now begin, then
shall not the Devil move thee to sin". The name Bumpit derives from Geoffrey de
Bonnepette and a house on the site is first mentioned in the Subsidy Rolls of 1254.
Later belonging to the Ropers of Lynsted Lodge, it is dated (1587 W C) on post at top
right of west front. Used in C18 as parish workhouse. (See reports prepared for
HBC 4.6.69/23.2.70, and E Selby, Teynham Manor and Hundred, 1982, 78).
(south side)
2/36 Bumpit (Formerly listed as
Bumpit Farm Cottages)
24.1.67 II*
House. C15 and C16, dated 1587. Timber framed and exposed with plaster
infill, and part clad in red brick, with plain tiled roofs. L-shaped plan,
the main range of 3 framed bays and screens passage, added and built into
an earlier hall house, now only of 2 framed bays and used after 1587 as
service wing. West (entrance) front: 2 storeys and garret on basement.
Small panel framing. Stack to rear centre right. Irregular fenestration
of 2 wood casements on first floor and 3 on ground floor, with blocked
mullioned lights visible on both floors. Plank and stud door to left in
carved and moulded four centred arched surround. Right return front:
clad with red brick, with plinth, plat band, and carved wooden triglyph
frieze to gable. Left return front: large panel framing with tension braces.
Part clad with red brick to left in C15 wing. Interior: main range with
3 cell and screens passage, the hall always of 1 storey, stack away from
screens passage with newel stair and through passage to parlour. Some
structural evidence for now lost 2 storey porch over screens passage entry,
and end right bay possible later addition. Staggered purlin roof.
Wall paintings:in parlour, concealed by C18 pine panelling, C16 trompe l'
oeuil wainscotting, brush-grained to imitate pine, with stencilled
arabesques, dado rail, surmounted by landscape scenes, and above this
more panelling, certainly in a different style and possibly later in date.
An upstairs room with painting over the fireplace with unreadable inscription,
and 2 figures, a woman praying before a lectern to left, and a man in
similar position to right, with relics of a frieze, cartouche and other
figures. The fireplace is polychromed with carved flowers in geometric
shapes on lintel. Painted acanthus frieze around room. Another upstairs
room with Grotesque figures of female masks, birds, lions, foliage, with
painted billet frieze and inscription "If in God's might you now begin,
then shall not the Devil move thee to sin". Although said to be connected
to the Popers of Lynsted Lodge, the house is dated (1587) on post at top right
of west front. Used in C18 as parish workhouse. (W C )
(See reports prepared for HBC 4.6.69/23.2.70 and E. Selby, Teynham Manor
and Hundred, 1982, 78).
Listing NGR: TQ9499161193