TL 8619-8719 and (south-east side)
8618-8718 8/205 and 10/205 No. 136 (Bell House)
2.5.53 (formerly listed as
The Cedars) GV II House. Early C17, incorporating part of C15 crosswing, altered in C18 and C19.
Timber framed, plastered with facade of red brick in Flemish bond, roofed with
handmade red plain tiles. 4-bay range facing NW, with early C17 internal stack
at left end in front of axis; C18 bay to right, with C18 axial stack at the
junction. Part of C15 crosswing to rear of right end. Early C17 stair tower to
rear of second bay from left end, enclosed by late C19 lean-to extension.
C18/19 single-storey wing to rear of right end, with end stack, and C19
extension beyond. 2 storeys, cellar and attics. Ground floor, 2 early C19
tripartite sashes of 4-12-4 lights, 2 early C19 sashes of 12 lights, one small
C20 casement. First floor, 4 C18 sashes of 12 lights. All windows in flat
arches of gauged brick, with much crown glass. One C20 casement in lean-to
dormer. Off-centre 5-panel door, the top panel glazed, with plaster pilasters
and moulded pediment. Plaster plain band at base of plain parapet with stone
coping. Ovolo-moulded cornice on left stack, shaft rebuilt. The left
ground-floor room is lined with C18 fielded pine panelling; C18 recessed
cupboard with semi-circular head; C20 grate in C19 surround; boxed axial beam.
The entrance-hall has a chamfered axial beam with lamb's tongue stops, a
bolection-moulded panelled dado, and a late C18 stair with scrolled tread-ends,
2 turned balusters to each tread, wreathed handrail, and similar gallery on
first floor. The room to the right has a C19 eared fireplace, plain panelled
dado and boxed axial beam. The door to the right end room is half-glazed, with
4 panes of crown glass and 2 fielded panels, C18. The left upper room is lined
with C18 fielded pine panelling; the recess behind the stack has a
semi-elliptical arch with panelled soffit and fluted pilasters. Late wattle and
daub infill exposed in the upper left wall of the stair tower. The attics have
original framed floors, the tiebeams and axial beams projecting above the
floorboards; original clasped purlin roof. In the rear right wing there is one
arched brace 0.07 metre wide to a cambered tiebeam; other parts of the original
frame may be present within the plaster. Named after The Bell Inn, formerly
here (B.L. Kentish, Kelvedon and its Antiquities, 1974, 44-5). RCHM 21.
Listing NGR: TL8629319002
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Books and journals Kentish, BL , Kelvedon and its Antiquities, (1974), 44-5
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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