(south-east side) 9/56 No. 20 (Herrings)
31.10.66 GV II House. C16 or earlier, altered in C18, renovated 1951. Timber framed,
plastered with some weatherboarding, roofed with handmade red plain tiles. Main
range of 2 bays facing NW, foaming a parallelogram plan, wiht stack to rear of
left bay, and long range beyond, with 2 axial stacks. C20 single-storey
extension of rear of right bay, and conservatory beyond. 2 storeys. Ground
floor, 2 C20 sashes of 12 lights and bowed oriel between them of 24 panes,
replacing shop window. First floor, 2 early C19 sashes of 12 lights with crown
glass. Ashlared plaster. Plain parapet. Half-glazed 4-panel door in left
return, in introduced doorcase with fluted and panelled jambs and moulded
pediment. All the side windows (to Swan Yard) are C19 and C20. Underbuilt
jetty to front. Chamfered beams with plain and lamb's tongue stops. In the
rear wing, exposed plain joists of vertical section. In right wallplate of rear
wing, mortices for diamond mullions. Jowled posts. Introduced features,
including an eared doorcase with Greek key border and broken pediment, and a
pine and gesso fireplace in Adam style. In the front right corner of the left
upper room of the main range, an introduced C18 pine corner cupboard, now
attached, with spheroid head, profiled shelves, and modern base. Deeds from
1703 in the possession of the owner. The 2 moulded posts reported by the RCHM
(25) are not now apparent. The name of the site is recorded in 1394 (G.F.
Beaumont, A History of Coggeshall in Essex, 1890, 121 and 238).
Listing NGR: TL8511322646
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Books and journals Beaumont, GF , A History of Coggeshall in Essex, (1890), 121, 238
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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