2/84 Moyns Park (formerly
7/8/52 listed as Monyes Park)
Mansion, late C16, built for Thomas Gent, incorporating part of a courtyard
house of c.1500, altered in C18, C19 and C20. Mainly of red brick in English
bond with limestone dressings, partly timber framed with brick nogging and
plaster, roofed with handmade red clay tiles and lead. Half-H plan, aspect
NW, with wings extending to SE. The main range of 2 storeys, cellar and attics
has 4 external chimney stacks to the rear, of which 3 are original. The 2 rear
wings of 2 storeys each have an end chimney stack. C19 extensions at SE ends
of both, and C19 single-storey extension to rear of main range. The earliest
part is at the NW end of the SW wing, 2 bays of a single-span building facing
NE. In the late C16 a second range was added to the SW, enclosing the original
rear windows, a crosswing of 3 bays was added at the SE end, and the NE
elevation was altered, now facing into the courtyard. The date of the NE wing
is uncertain but is probably earlier than the main range. The NW elevation
is symmetrical. A central rectangular porch with stone pinnacles at the corners
is continued upwards as a semi-octagonal bay with flat roof above the first
floor window. There are 2 semi-octagonal bays with flat roofs of similar
height. There are narrow gables between the bays, a storey higher, and similar
but wider gables to each side, all with moulded brick pinnacles at the base and
apex. There are 2 moulded brick string courses at lintel height. The flat head
and jambs of the outer doorway are moulded, with plain stops at half-height, and
above it is a recessed panel containing the Moyne arms, modern. The inner
doorway has different mouldings and more elaborate stops. To the left of the
porch is a cellar window, and to each side are high ground-floor windows,
diamond leaded with much early glass. There are mullioned and transomed
windows, fully ovolo-moulded, on three sides of each bay at each storey, and on
three storeys between and to each side. The 2 outer ground floor windows are
much restored, all others original, with diamond leaded early glass in all the
upper lights of the gable windows. The rear elevation of the main range has 5
windows similar to those at the front, and 4 more in gabled dormers, all the
upper lights of the latter diamond leaded with early glass. There are 3 2-1-1
groups of octagonal chimney shafts with moulded bases and restored caps;
originally there would have been 4 to complete the symmetry, but the most north-
easterly is a plain modern replacement. The next stack is corbelled out from
the wall at first floor level. The other most notable elevation is the NE side
of the SW wing. It has a long jetty, with 2 decayed plain brackets, underbuilt
with brick at the right end. Otherwise the framing is exposed, close studded
with 2 fragments of external curved bracing, infilled with red brick, C16 and
C20. The bay at the right end has 2 attached shafts with moulded bases and
capitals and drooping projections, and a restored oriel. These features could
date from c.1500 or earlier. Other ornamental features are c.1580, 2 projecting
gables with bressumers, depressed arch brackets and bargeboards carved with
folded leaf and grotesque designs, and pendants. The third gable, on the
crosswing at the left, has carved bargeboards. There are 5 C17 wrought iron
casements, and 2 late C16 glazed windows with moulded mullions. The SW sides of
both rear wings were jettied. That of the NE wing has been underbuilt with C18
brick in Flemish bond, with exposed framing above, infilled with C16 and C20
brick. That of the SW wing has original brick in English bond below the jetty,
and exposed framing and brick nogging above, much restored, in the form of 4
gables. The hall, to SW of the main door, has exposed ceiling beams and joists
of vertical section, and painted late C16 panelling to half-height, not
original. The drawing room, to the SW has C18 pine panelling,
tripped of paint. The library, NE of the hall, has late C16 panelling. The
stair, to SE of the hall is mainly reproduction, but retains a late C16 carved
newel and half-newel. The basement under the library has a chamfered beam,
and on one wall there is moulded brick corbelling which supports the fireplace
above. On the first floor of the main range, in the NE room, there is a stone
hearth surround with moulded lintel and jambs, late C16, and in the next room
an original moulded doorway. The roof of the main range has butt-purlins,
cambered collars of unusual flattened W-profile, and original bridging beams
forming a ceiling at half-height. The rear dormers are original. The NE wing
has jowled posts, chamfered axial beams, and C18 panelling and finishes on the
upper floor. On the ground floor of the SW wing there is an original Tudor
doorhead, a stone hearth surround with depressed arch and floral carving in
the spandrels, one roll-moulded beam carved with folded leaves and a continuous
threaded shaft (possibly of heraldic significance), early C16, and a modern
reproduction. There is one original window to the SW with roll-moulded mullions
and iron stiffening bars, with modern glazing, and one C16 door of moulded
vertical planks. The stair to the first floor has a round newel post and oak
treads and risers, but as it severs an external brace in the original rear wall
(now enclosed by the late C16 range), it is of that period. In the upper part
of the same wall there is a complete unglazed window with 3 diamond mullions,
and another one with the mullions removed, now blocked. A stair of solid oak
treads rises to the attic. The roof over the 2 NW bays has high arched collars,
chamfered, without wind bracing; the common rafters have been replaced. The
roof of the crosswing at the SE end has high and low collars, both arch-braced,
and arched wind-bracing. Moated site. RCHM 6. Morant states that Thomas Gent,
Sergeant at Law from 1584, Baron of the Exchequer from 1588, who died in 1593,
'added the stately front to the old building at Moynes' (II, 354). Country
Life, 1 November 1902, and 28 November 1931.
Listing NGR: TL6943840621