This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 8 September 2021 to remove superfluous amendment details, update the name and address and to reformat the text to current standards TF 74 SW
KIRKGATE (south)
Nos 43, 45, 47,49(Pear Tree Cottage), 51 and 53 (Formerly listed as Nos 43 to 53 (odd), previously listed as Nos. 5, 7, 9) G.V.
II Row of six cottages, formerly a barn. C.1700. Carstone plinth, squared and coursed clunch with some red "garnetting" or galleting with red chalk, brick dressings, red pantiled roof. Two storeys. To north four ground and four first floor casements, arched headed with brick dressings. Ground floor at east has inserted C20 window and two two-light casements with vertical glazing bar, at west one sash with glazing bars and part glazed door. Five first floor two-light casements retaining complete glazing bars for three to east, single glazing bar to west. Brick quoins, brick dentil eaves cornice, brick coped parapets, two off-axis ridge party stacks, east end gable stack. Single storey shop attached at west, clunch with brick dressings, red chalk west gable, pantiled roof. East gable built up with clunch from lower pitch of red chalk, west gable with incorporated brick gable of earlier structure. To south clunch with garnetting, brick dressed openings, wedge roofed dormers. Listing NGR: TF7041843453
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