4/132 North Manor, walls enclosing
forecourt and terraces on
South-East front
(Previously listes as Stable
8.8.77 Court) II Country house, now officers mess. 1843, By Henry Roberts for Charles Moel Welman. Buff bricks, black headers in deeper
pattern, Has stone dressings, quoins, slate roofs, coped verges, brick lateral stacks on facade end bay right, between
second and third bays left. Long range lying roughly North-West South-East, forecourt on entrace front and terraced
gardens on South East front. Tudor Gothic style. 2 storeys it attic, 8 bay garden front gabled first; fourth and
fifth bays, gabled dormer above entrance, inserted C20 dormer left, mullioned and transomed windows under hood moulds,
coat of arms lateral stack right, entrance sixth bay left, single storey gabled porch, moulded 4-centred arch opening,
Tudor style pan1led inner door with wicket door, leaded-light above. Garden front with canted bays and latent stacks.
Terrace of ashlar lattice work, buttressed retaining wall, returned on South East front with similar below without
retaining wall, stone seats. Dwarf wall in similar style enclosing forecourt. Interior: hall panelled with compartment
ceiling and arcade of Tudor arch heads, panelled dining rood with built in sideboard. in Tudor arch head bay, lozenge
plaster ceiling, fireplace in similar Tudor Gothic style and dog leg stair. Henry Roberts is best known as the
architect of model dwellings for the working classes, (J S Curl, The Life and Work of Henry Roberts 180S-1876,
Listing NGR: ST1873227045
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Books and journals Curl, J S, The Life and Work of Henry Roberts 1803-1876, (1983)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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