Tithe Barn, cart shed, engine house and shelter sheds,fifty metres South of the Court House GII
Tithe barn,cart shed,engine house and shelter sheds.Tithe barn medieval in origin probably restored late C18-early C19 and mid C20,others late C18-early C19.Blue lias random rubble,roof gabled West end,hipped to East,asbestos slates on South side, thatched North,some decorative ridge tiles West end,collar and principal roof.North front scattered ventilation slits,double door with glazed opening above,to left attached gabled two-storey cart shed,part slate hung,right bays double doors and stable door with loft door above to right of attached apsidal ended engine shed,simple storey, asbestos fish tiles,square leaded opening,no machinery.Shelter shed attached on South front,pantiled roofs,stone piers,nine bays,centre six bays West with attached three bay pantile roof end,random rubble cart shed with wooden piers.The sweep of pantile roofed shelter shed below the barn form an important part of the group with the Church of Saint Mary (qv) and the Court House (qvl. Listing NGR: ST1368643614
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