TL 11 SW
270-1/5/286 ST MICHAEL
HARPENDEN ROAD (west side)
Stud House, Childwick Bury Stud (Formerly listed as Childwick Hall) 19/09/78 GV
Shown on O.S. map as Childwick Hall. Stud house. Originally a farmhouse. Rebuilt or reconstructed as Childwick Hall, circa 1840, but may incorporate earlier structure. Possibly late C19 alterations for conversion to stud manager's house for Sir John Blundell Maple M.P., prominent race horse owner and breeder, and founder of the stud. Mid to late C20 alterations for H.J.Joel, with conversion to separate dwellings for stud owner and stud groom. Stuccoed brick on west side, red brick with stone dressings on east side, hipped plain tile roof behind parapets with decorative cross gablets on east side, three brick stacks. Plan: a long rectangular block on the east side of the Main Yard of the stud with entrance front facing the yard. Exterior; two storeys; the west front, mostly concealed by ivy, has crowning cornice and parapet, the entrance doorway to left in Gothick style, framed by fluted pilasters and traceried hood supported on shaped brackets, has traceried panels on jamb reveals and on door; to right a C20, single storey, closed entrance porch with classical details and doorway with fanlight; on the ground floor to left and between the doorway and porch irregularly spaced sashes with glazing bars and on the first floor four large sashes with glazing bars [3x4 panes]; the west or garden front of five bays with moulded stone crowning cornice, and stone coped parapets with triangular cross-gablets above the central and end bays, and Dutch cross-gablets, each with a small oculus, above the second and fourth bays; on the ground floor in the central and end bays tripartite, gothic arched sashes with glazing bars, each with a wide central sash, all the sashes recessed within dressed stone frames with mullions and rectangular hoodmoulds, in the second bay from left a single sash. with similar arched sash and frame, on the first floor in the central and end bays tripartite arched sashes and in the second and fourth bays double sashes, all the sashes of of equal width with glazing bars, and in stone frames similar to the ground windows. Interior: not inspected, early C19 features indicated in photographs. History: the property attached to the former Childwick Hall purchased by Sir John Blundell Maple, circa 1888, and converted for use as a horse racing stud with the construction of extensive stable ranges and service buildings. In 1895 in an issue of the periodical Racing Post it was described as "one of the most complete and beautifully arranged of its kind". The stud was purchased from Maple's executors in 1907 by J.B.Joel and in 1940 passed to his son, H.J.Joel. The stud house and the stable buildings forming the Main Yard have been maintained to a very high standard without alteration by successive owners. Since its foundation the stud has been highly successful in the breeding of thoroughbred horses for both flat and National Hunt races, with many important stallions standing at stud including Royal Hamton and Saraband for Sir John Blundell Maple, and Sunstar, winner of the Derby of 1911, and Humorist for J.B.Joel, and with brood mares of outstanding pedigree including Absurdity and Doris. (Racing Illustrated: Anon.: The Childwick Stud Farm: London: 1895: 210-214; The British Racehorse: Michael Seth-Smith: Jack and Solly Joel: London: 1968: 188-194; Sales Catalogue: Stutt and Parker, Agents: The Childwick Bury Stud and Hedges Farm, Hertfordshire: 1992). Listing NGR: TL1380711326
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Books and journals Smith, S, The British Racehorse, (1968), 188-194 Stutt, , Parker Agents, , The Childwick Bury Stud and Hedges Farm Hertfordshire, (1992) 'Racing Illustrated' in The Childwick Stud Farm, (1895), 210-214
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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