TL 3337
(South side)
Forge House (formerly listed as The Old Forge) II House. C16 extended mid to late C17, altered C20. Exposed timber frame,
some red brick and flint, rendered infill. Thatched and tiled roof.
Originally 3 bays, 2 bays with lobby entry added to right in C17. 2
storeys and attics. 3 bays to left have 1, 2 and 3-light flush frame
casements, leaded panes. Small panel framing of large scantling, jetty
with curved braced to main bearers, right bay underbuilt, roof thatched.
Left end exposed framing with jowled posts, 2 light casements. C19
external stack, half hip. Two C17 bays are tiled, that to left is lobby
entry bay with a 2-storey projecting porch, plank door with flanking small
lights, shaped brackets to first floor with a later 4-light oriel. Exposed
frame of smaller scantling, jowled posts, cambered tie beam, collar
clasping purlins. Axial red brick stack rebuilt in C19. Right bay: flint
plinth, C17 red brick ground floor with a 3-light casement in a lugged
surround, first floor exposed framing, later 4-light oriel. Right end:
knapped flint base, ground floor brick, lugged surrounds to a 2-light
casement and French doors, latter surround altered. First floor and attic
1 and 3-light casements in pargetted rendering. Catslide roof over lean-to
outshut to rear right. To rear C17 bays have ground floor brick, stair
wing to rear of entrance bay with similar exposed framing. Entrance in
angle to earlier range which does not project as far to rear, all rendered
with 2 and 3-light casements. To rear left a small tiled C20 block. Listing NGR: TL3352237183
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