TL 61 NW HIGH RODING 3/25 Andrews II House, C16, extended in C19 and C20. Timber framed, weatherboarded on S and
E, roughcast rendered on N and W, roofs tiled. 2-bay service crosswing aligned
N-S, jettied to S, early C16, with external chimney stack on W side, C19.
2-bay 2-storey hall block to E, with chimney stack in E bay, late C16. Single
storey extension to E, C19 or C20. 2-storey extension to N of crosswing, with
hipped roof, C20. Porch to N of hall block, C20. S elevation, original foiled
bargeboards on gable of crosswing, and 2 original plain brackets under jetty.
On ground floor, 2 C19 cast iron casement windows, 2 C20 metal casement windows,
C19 plain door in crosswing, C20 glazed door in hall block. On first floor, 2
C20 metal casement windows and one C19 cast iron casement window with quadrant
friction storey. The crosswing has a collar rafter roof, the ventral truss
braced only by extended jowls and a high collar, in original condition. The hall
block has a clasped purlin roof with straight tiebeams and straight braces to
them, late C16, with re-used smoke-blackened rafters from the roof of a medieval
hall. The axial beam and common joists of this block are stop-chamfered. One
small wrought iron window, C17, with leaded glazing in upper internal wall at
N end of crosswing 2-movement wrought iron cooking crane, C18, in hearth of hall
block. The C16 panelling reported by RCHM (11) is missing. This building was tiled
originally before 1948 it was thatched,and was then re-tiled.
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