795/22/112 MANOR ROAD
01-MAR-74 (Southwest side)
38, 40 AND 40A
(Formerly listed as:
38 AND 40 AND 40A)
Pair of cottages, 1790s origins, possibly refronted mid-C19, altered later C19, extended to left early C20.
MATERIALS: Timber-framed, rendered and weather-boarded, the front and right return of No. 38 in brown brick with red brick rubbed window arches. Slate hipped roofs with red tile ridge tiles.
PLAN: Two storeys with cellars under part of each house. Each is near symmetrical in three bays, one cell deep with a central entrance giving onto the stair. Each has a rear two storey outshut, which was probably formerly single storey, now included under the main rear roof.
EXTERIOR: No. 38 is of brown brick mostly in Flemish bond, the right return is partly painted. Windows under flat, rubbed red brick arches have replaced late C20 sashes in original exposed moulded frames. Over the entrance is a blind recessed panel. A restored timber trellis porch with a slightly splayed roof, leads to a single leaved panelled front door with coloured glass lights which replaced a similar two leaved door. To right, a brick lean-to probably early C20, incorporates a former external WC, the structure said to date from 1830s. Brick central and rear stacks have plain tile pots.
The rear ground floor is rendered, the first floor weather-boarded. The rear has small-paned sashes and casements, mostly replaced but in original openings.
The front of No.40 is rendered. No. 40 has a large gabled porch under a slate roof, with a replaced door, flanked by sashes some in moulded frames. Above the entrance is a blind recessed panel. The rear is part weather-boarded with small-paned casements.
No. 40A, added early C20 as a single storey outshut to the left of No. 40, has been extended and altered. The single storey element which comprises the main part of No. 40A is not of special interest.
INTERIOR (No.38): The plan of No. 38 is largely intact, although the rear rooms in the outshut are now one space on the ground floor. Two broad, vertically boarded doors with strap hinges survive, one with a substantial lock. There are two-panel doors to the closet over the entrance, early C20 doors to first floor rear section. Other doors are later C20 in original moulded doorcases. The interiors of Nos 40 & 40A were not inspected.
HISTORY: The plot is well documented, with deeds and records relating to the enclosure and construction of 'substantial new built dwelling houses', from 1792 to 1796, and their subsequent history. The buildings are clearly marked on the 1840 tithe map. These appear to form the core of the existing buildings which were later modified rather than rebuilt. Nos. 38-40 are interesting since they are so well documented, giving an insight into the history of a modest pair of pre-1840 cottages. The single storey element which comprise the main part of No. 40A was added to the side of No. 40 in the early C20.. The Hamlet of Wallington adjoins Carshalton with its rich heritage of C18 and C19 buildings. Many of the buildings of the historic core of the Hamlet of Wallington survive, forming a vernacular group in Manor Road including the Duke's Head Public house. It has group value with the following Grade II listed buildings: the Duke's Head Public House and stable block (160m to the north); Nos. 8 to 16 (even); and the neighbouring Nos. 32 and 36.
This pair of cottages are listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Despite alterations some of which predate listing in 1974, most of the original fabric and plan survives
* Documentary sources provide evidence of the phases of the building's construction from the end of the C18 to the mid-C19.
* They form a well documented part of the historic core of the village.
* They have group value with the following Grade II listed buildings: No. 36, No. 32, Nos 8 to 16 (even), and the Duke's Head Public House with stable block (160m to the north).
Deeds held in private possession.