714-1/6/973 (North side (off))
Oddy's Fold, Nos.3-8 (Consecutive) II Terrace of 6 quarry workers' houses. Early C19, altered C20.
Coursed squared gritstone from local quarry, herring-bone
tooling, stone slate roofs.
Built in 2 blocks of 3 one-bay houses, the roof stepping down;
left block (Nos 3, 4 & 5): d,w,w,d,w,d; the right block (Nos
6, 7 & 8): w,d,w,d,w,d. No.8 only occupied, the remainder
boarded or breeze blocked openings, excepting No.3 which
retains probably original 3-board door with tapering
round-ended strap hinges.
Door surrounds are of sawn stone with tie-stone jambs,
slightly projecting; the windows have no jambs but large
lintels incised in imitation of voussoirs and projecting
sills, 4- or 8-pane sashes.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
Probably built c1810 for quarry workers, Meanwood quarry was
opened by the early C18 and supplied building stone for the
C19 city, including Mill Hill Chapel, Park Row (qv), and
nationally including the Royal Dockyards.
(Hopwood WA & Casperson FP: Meanwood; Village, Valley,
Industry and People: 1986-: 19).
Listing NGR: SE2848137869
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Books and journals Hopwood, A W, Casperson, F P , Meanwood Village Valley Industry and People, (1986), 19
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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