SJ 36 NW
313/5/10000 UPTON BY CHESTER
(West side)
Church at Countess of Chester Hospital 200m SW of 1829 block II Church. 1856. Red brick, with ashlar dressings and steep pitched roof with octagonal slates. Early English style. Plinth, small buttresses, moulded eaves, coped gables. Chancel, vestries, nave with bellcote, porches. Openings are sharply pointed, with hood moulds. Windows are mainly single lancets with deeply splayed reveals. Chancel, single bay, has angle buttresses and a 3-light east window. Towards the east end, a single lancet on each side. Vestries have rebuilt square gable stacks. To east, a quatrefoil window, to north and south, a door. Nave, 6 bays, has buttressed gabled porches to north and south. West end has a slightly projecting centre with sill band, containing a tall window, 2 lights. Above this, a gabled bellcote with blocked openings, and containing a clock. On either side, a single lancet. Interior, rendered and painted, has pointed arched openings with hood moulds. Chancel has moulded arch, flanked to left by a door and to right by a small organ case. Plain matchboard ceiling with cornice. East window has stained glass dated 1885. Nave has common rafter roof with intersecting arch braces and king post. At the west end, a tall recess containing a large traceried panelled wooden cabinet with attached bench. The cabinet contains a clock mechanism dated 1856, by Joyce of Whitchurch. At the top of the cabinet is a small clock dial. Fittings include an octagonal wooden pulpit, possibly original, altered mid C20. Other fittings mid C20. Listing NGR: SJ3995668580
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