(WEST SIDE) 3/49 Church of All Saints
14.7.55 (Formerly listed under
Parish church. C14, restored 1875/6. Nave, chancel, south aisle and south
tower, the ground storey used as a porch, but probably originally free-
standing. A small vestry to the north of the chancel. Rubble flint, with
freestone quoins and dressings; an admixture of stone in the east chancel
wall. Plaintiled roofs; ornamental crosses to east and west gables. Angle
buttresses to the west end of the nave. Range of 5 2-light windows on the
north side of the nave and chancel, in Decorated style with curvilinear
tracery, and 2 similar windows on the south side of the chancel. The 3-light
east and west windows, restored in the C19, have reticulated tracery. 3
buttresses along the north side of the nave have stone panels with the
mutilated remains of medieval inscriptions: the eastern buttress has the
crowned capitals MR (for Maria Regina) and the middle buttress Omn(e)s
S(ancti) for All Saints. Along the upper wall on the south side of the nave 5
small circular clerestory windows, quatrefoiled. The south aisle has a
parapet and cornice with ball-flower ornament, a 3-light segmental-headed east
window with reticulated tracery and 2 straight-headed 2-light windows on the
south. The C14 tower collapsed in 1906, and only the bottom stage remains:
moulded stone base and large diagonal buttresses, a simple doorway with
pointed arch and continuous moulding, and one Y-tracery window on the east
side. From 1906 until 1956 this bottom stage was roofed over and used as a
porch. In 1956 the upper stage was rebuilt to a design of Marshall Sisson,
which includes a louvred bell-chamber containing 4 bells reinstated from the
previous tower: 3 with medieval Latin inscriptions, one dated 1566. The tower
is linked to the western bay of the south aisle in a manner which suggests
that the aisle is of slightly later date, and was constructed round the tower.
To the east of the south doorway an ogee-headed niche has been roughly cut
into the tower buttress for a stoup. C19 restoration of the interior includes
the replacement of the nave and chancel roofs, the seating and the pulpit.
High narrow chancel arch with a series of blocked sockets which formerly
suppported parts of the rood screen and rood. To the south of the arch, the
upper door of the stairs to the rood-loft. A piscina in the north-each corner
of the nave, and sedilia and an ogee-headed piscina in the chancel. Nave
arcade on south in 4 bays with octagonal piers and double chamfered arches.
Plain, heavy C16 timber roof to aisle. Between the 2 south windows of the
aisle is a much-damaged but very fine tomb-recess, cusped and subcusped, and
surmounted by a high crocketed ogee gable, covered in detailed carving. This
is the finest feature of the church. At the west end of the aisle, a plain
octagonal font with central pier surrounded by 8 small shafts on a high
octagonal base. For further details on the history and fittings of the
church, see David Dymond, The Churches of Stanton, Suffolk, a History and
Listing NGR: TL9658873443
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Books and journals Dymond, D, The Churches of Stanton Suffolk a History and Guide
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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