662-1/7/58 (North side)
12/11/53 No.20 GV II Former house, now offices, in row. Late C17 or early C18,
refronted mid C19. Rendered with false ashlar jointing, stone
dressing, slate roof; rear wing in rubble with pantile roof.
PLAN: asymmetrical front range with through passage flanked by
single rooms, and staircase to rear right; to the rear, right,
is a long gabled wing in two sections, with coped verge at
halfway point.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, 5 bays. Plain sash windows in plain
reveals, at first floor with exposed sash boxes. Entrance in
central bay, a 6-panel door in stone surround having Doric
pilaster, console brackets and pediment hood. Footscraper to
right. The steep roof has a coped verge to the right, and
there are brick stacks to each gable. The wing includes a wide
2-light flat-roofed dormer with some early leading, and good
early C18 12-pane sashes.
INTERIOR: there are early doors of various kinds, including 4
and 6-panel fielded, some plank, and one wide plank door with
angle hinges, under a splat grille, below the stair landing,
also panelled cupboard doors. Windows are shuttered, with
panels below the sills. Some ground floor stone flooring
remains. There are no extant fireplaces or cornices. The
stair, approached through a 2-arched opening is a dog-leg with
chinoiserie balustrade to the upper flight. The main roof has
very regular principals, possibly C19 replacements, but the
purlin is of rough scantling. The rear wing has a narrow-span
roof without collars or ties, but with very deep square
The bland refenestration of the front of the building conceals
an unsuspected earlier fabric.
Listing NGR: ST5480845848
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