662-1/7/77 (South side)
12/11/53 No.1 GV II House, now shop with continuation of hotel over. C15 or early
C16, remodelled C17 and with C18 front. Rendered and
colourwashed, gabled clay pantiled double roof, with ridges at
right angles to road, brick chimney stack.
PLAN: a double-depth range, with, to the left, a throughway to
a rear courtyard.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, 2 bays. Shop front has mid C19 elements,
with 5-light display window, curved plan at left end, doors to
right, with slim fascia and deep timber cornice, to half of
left-hand bay a through passage, on right of which abutting
shop front is timber post with double wave mould and chamfer
stop at base, much worn. Above, angled bay windows to each bay
through both levels, with hipped slated lean-to roofs against
main gables, of 2+4+4+2 pane sash windows each unit.
INTERIOR: the ground floor, occupied separately as part of a
shop (see also No.3), has been modified in the C20, but has a
large roughly squared front bressumer and one C17 chamfered
transverse beam; a small part of a former jetty bracket also
remains at the junction between Nos 1 and 3 (qv).
At first floor is an open lounge area to the rear, with a
stone fireplace with moulded 4-centred lintel, and a section
of wattle-and-daub walling protected by glazing; this room
continues across over No.3 (qv). One of the front rooms has a
fine C16 fireplace with 4-centred lintel, with leaf spandrels
and a raised carved band above. The adjoining room has painted
C17 panelling under the bay window, and above the window is an
ovolo-mould beam with stops. The W flank wall is in heavy
timber-framing, partly exposed, and a stair formerly descended
to the ground floor level.
The stair to the second floor is a wide winder to a central
through newel. The top floor includes one small stone
fireplace with 4-centred head, possibly early C16, and there
are 2 small C17 plank doors. The roof has chamfered
wind-braces with 2 purlins.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: set in one pilaster of shop front a brass
plaque commemorating the gift of the use of the water form the
Bishop's Palace wells for cleansing the town and fighting
fires, dated 1803.
Listing NGR: ST5499145746
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