662-1/7/130 (North side)
12/11/53 Nos.60, 60A AND 62
with rear boundary wall
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
Nos.60 AND 60A) GV II House at end of row. c1810. Rendered with stone dressings, all
colourwashed, hipped Welsh slate roof behind high parapets,
brick chimney stacks.
PLAN: a long property, with separate entrance on return front
to upper floors; central staircase.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, 2 bays. Stone plinth, panelled pilasters
to upper floors, coving and cornice, parapet with moulded
coping. Remains of early C19 shop fronts, with matching
panelled pilasters, thin fascia and cornice, with plain
windows and half-glazed doors to left of each bay.
To first floor are 2 canted oriels of 4+12+4 panes on rendered
coved upswept brackets, with hipped lead roofs, to second
floor are 12-pane sashes in plain reveals. On the long W
return elevation two canted bays matching the front oriels,
and 2 doorways with plain pilasters, entablature and flat hood
for surround, one a 2-panel door, one part glazed, both with
rectangular fanlights, also a 21-pane rounded-head stair sash,
with 12-pane sashes to upper floor.
The rear NW corner rounded, and with further 2-storey
extension also with rounded corner.
INTERIOR: some modifications, not substantial, to internal
arrangements. Features noted include elaborate plaster
cornice, with intricate work to hall ceiling, much original
joinery including door cases, doors, and the staircase,
straight with plain balusters and mahogany handrail with
exaggerated bottom wreath; in rear passage a cast-iron hearth
set in white marble surround. Living quarters not seen.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: at rear is a high rubble wall with swept
cavetto cornice, containing an arched opening with C20 door,
and to a stone sett paved approach; the wall continues to the
front of Avenue House (qv No.64). Listing NGR: ST5480545665
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