662-1/7/223 (East side)
12/11/53 No.12 GV II* Commercial premises, now offices with flat over. C1800,
incorporating earlier fabric. Doulting ashlar stone, hipped
Welsh slate roof behind parapet, brick chimney stacks on stone
PLAN: a parallel range building with central valley, rear
elevation faces Cathedral Green.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, 2 bays. Plinth, band course between upper
floors, dentilled cornice, plain parapet. C19 shop-front
across ground floor, with panelled pilasters, thin fascia and
projecting cornice on corbel brackets framing two 3-light
display windows with central transom and 3-centre-arched
heads, recessed central glazed door and fanlight to match, on
right a 6-panel door, up 2 steps, with arched fanlight. First
floor has a pair of shallow angled bay windows having 12-pane
sashes to each face, the top tiers of panes having arched
heads, set under lead flat roofs, second floor has 2 pairs of
16-pane sash windows set under moulded timber hoods.
Rear elevation to Cathedral Green rendered, with hipped slate
roof, 3 storeys, 2 wide bays having large paired 12-pane sash
windows to first and second floors, but ground floor has
paired 16-pane to the left and 12-pane to the right, with
central C19 flush panelled door in reeded pilasters set to
high stone plinths, and with a 'floating' cornice set on a
deep stone frieze.
Both ranges have steep hipped roofs, and the front range has a
large stack in rubble, raised in brick, on the N party wall.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
HISTORICAL NOTE: this property was first established c1370,
when the E side of Sadler Street was developed; the building
originally straddled a N/S wall to the Cathedral Precinct.
A fine commercial facade of the period.
(Town and Country Planning Working Papers: Scrase AJ: Wells: A
Study of Town Origins: Bristol: 1982-: 59). Listing NGR: ST5497545801
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Books and journals Scrase, A J , 'Town and Country Planning Working Papers' in Wells: A Study of Town Origins, (1982), 59
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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