848-1/6/284 (West side)
12/02/52 Nos.18, 20 AND 22 GV II House, now subdivided to form 3 separate houses. Early C18,
remodelled externally (and to some extent internally) in early
MATERIALS: rendered walls, mostly solid, but front and back
walls in third storey of front range are timber framed; rear
wall of rear range (overlooking river) is slate hung. Painted
brick fronts to internal courtyard. Slated roofs; front range
hipped. 3 red brick chimneys on rear wall of front range and
several more on rear ranges; all are an important element in
the view up-river from Exe Bridge.
PLAN: built round 4 sides of a courtyard. Front range (No.22)
is 1 room deep; 2 rooms wide with entrance-hall and staircase
compartment in the centre. Right-hand rooms have angle
fireplace in rear left-hand corner. Date of rear ranges
uncertain; they must be at least early C19, but rear range
(No.18) has a steeply-pitched roof suggesting that it, at
least, could be contemporary with the front range. The 2 side
ranges (No.20) are linked by a lean-to behind the front range.
EXTERIOR: front range 3-storey (top storey the original
garret, boxed out in C19); side and rear ranges 2-storey, with
garret in rear range. Basement beneath front and rear ranges.
Symmetrical front 3 windows wide with doorway in place of
middle ground-storey window. Door has 2 tall flush panels;
flush-panelled reveals, 2-paned fanlight with margin panes.
Panelled flanking pilasters supporting entablature.
Round-headed iron shoe-scrapper set into wall on right-hand
side. Windows have moulded architraves and flush-framed barred
sashes. Ground- and second-storey windows have 12-paned
sashes, except that the outer windows, which are of 3 lights,
have 3-paned sashes; 6-paned sashes in third storey. Boxed
wooden eaves cornice.
Left side walls of all 3 parts of the house (visible from St
Peter Street) have barred sashes of 6 or 8 panes.
Returns of No.22 has 3-paned French windows in ground storey;
both this and the 3-light window above have 2-paned side
sashes. No.18 has doorway with wooden trellised porch and
swept pentroof. barred sashes also in rear wall, those in
ground storey slightly bowed.
INTERIOR: stair, rising from rear of entrance hall, is of
wood; early C19 open well with cut strings, thin square
balusters and continuous handrail (altered at the foot) as far
as first-floor landing. Original dog-leg above, though with
lighter timbers than many examples of this period; moulded
closed strings, square newels with flat moulded caps and small
turned pendants, and flat-handrail (balusters boarded in). Box
cornice on first-floor landing.
Right-hand ground storey room has original moulded ceiling
with 2 oval panels having high-relief foliated bosses in the
centre; coved cornice round perimeter of ceiling and along
sides of centre beam. Left-hand room has raised and fielded,
ovolo-moulded panelled shutters at the front; C19 panelled
shutters to French windows at the side.
Second-storey right-hand room has early C19 reeded stone
chimneypiece (now painted); 2-panelled, ovolo-moulded cupboard
door. Left-hand room has early C20 wood chimneypiece decorated
with swags and garlands; oval mirror in centre of overmantel.
Third storey has original trusses, one with housings for a
former notched lap-jointed collar; 1 door with 2 raised and
fielded ovolo-moulded panels.
As the end block of the continuous built-up frontage between
here and St Peter's churchyard, these houses hold a key
position in the street.
Listing NGR: SS9537312652
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