848-1/6/314 Lych gate, 3 sets of gates, gate
piers, wall and coffin-rest
adjoining NE gate GV II Lych gate, 3 other sets of gates and gate piers, and boundary
wall on all 4 sides of St Peter's churchyard; also coffin-rest
adjoining north-east side. Late C19; boundary wall on north
and west sides, and adjoining Nos 58 & 60 St Peter Street,
probably earlier.
Lych gate of wood on a stone ashlar base; roof of red tiles
with crested ridge tiles. South and north-east gates of wood
between stone ashlar piers. Coffin-rest of stone ashlar.
Boundary wall of rubble (squared on the east and south sides)
with coping of squared stone.
In south-west corner, adjoining Nos 58 & 60 St Peter Street,
the wall and the piers of a fourth gate (leading down to the
river Exe) appear to be of rendered brick and stone rubble.
Lychgate stands on 2 stone walls with chamfered tops, about
1.2m high. Upon these rest wooden sill-beams carrying 2
chamfered and stopped posts on each side. Between the pairs of
posts are horizontal timbers supported by moulded arch braces
springing from crenellated corbels, the spandrels filled with
open trefoiled panels; the horizontal timbers in turn support
curved braces rising to the principal rafters of the pitched
roof. Across the gateway, front and back, are 2 further
horizontal timbers supported by moulded braces to form Tudor
arches, these springing from corbels matching those at the
sides and having darts and quatrefoils in the spandrels.
Gables have bargeboards carved with cinquefoil arches.
The wooden gates have solid lower panels with diagonal
planking; upper parts open, with square chamfered balusters.
between the feet of the balusters and along the top rails are
shaped iron finials.
South gate piers are oblong in section with chamfered plinth
and tall, stepped, tapered caps; plank gates with an open
quatrefoil panel cut in the top of each plank. The top rail
with iron finials like those on the lychgate.
The north-east gate piers are plain and square, little more
than an extension of the boundary wall; gates are a plain
version of those in the lychgate, without the iron work.
Coffin rest, a plain oblong, its top replaced in concrete,
adjoiing the northern pier.
Boundary wall has chamfered coping, that on the north and part
of the west sides older than the rest. The later walls on the
south and east sides, facing St Peter Street and The Works,
has pilaster strips at intervals. The stretch of wall
adjoining Nos 58 & 60 St Peter Street is divided by panelled
piers with low pyramidal caps, the wall between also panelled
and its coping swept up at each end. 2 similar piers adjoin it
on the north side, these carrying a simple iron gate with
decorated finials to the uprights. Listing NGR: SS9544812801
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