684-1/5/3 (North side)
31/08/88 Nos.1-13 (Consecutive)
including cottage behind No.10 and
garden wall to Nos.8 and 9 GV II Terrace of 13 houses. Early to mid C19, with minor additions
at the rear. Rendered solid walls, probably of stone or brick.
Slated roofs. Red brick chimneys on ridges, those at Nos 1, 2
& 4 rendered. Plans of Nos 4 & 9 (probably typical) consist of
2 main rooms, front and back, with staircase to one side of
rear room. On ground floor, entrance passage to one side of
front room. Short rear wing.
2 storeys, except for a 3-storey block at Nos 5, 6 & 7.
Roughly uniform fronts 2-window range, except for No.1 which
is 3-window range. Nos 1-9 have a raised band at first-floor
level, but otherwise the original fronts seem to have been
entirely plain. Doorways are round-arched. Nos 1-5, 8 & 11
have 6-panelled doors, although some of the panels have been
glazed at all but Nos 1, 2 & 11. Nos 1, 2 & 4 have fanlights
with radial glazing bars. Nos 6-9, 12 & 13 have rectangular
fanlights with patterned glazing bars. All the houses, in
addition to those already mentioned have panelled doors dating
to some part of C19, except for No.10.
The windows generally have 6-paned sashes, (9-paned lower
sashes in ground and 2nd storeys of Nos 5-7) but at No 1 the
ground storey has 3-paned French windows; No.4 has late C20
PVC or aluminium windows, in original openings. Nos 3 & 11
have had mid or late C19 canted bay windows inserted in the
ground storeys; No.13 has a similar bay window rising through
both storeys. At Nos 4 & 12 all the openings have had moulded
architraves added, as has the right-hand 2nd-storey window of
The fronts of the 2-storeyed houses are finished with a simple
moulded board below the eaves, but the 3-storeyed houses (Nos
5, 6 & 7) have a modillioned eaves cornice. Nos 6 & 13 have
added dormer windows. The backs of the houses, visible from
Barbican Place, have been somewhat altered, but still retain a
number of barred sashes.
INTERIORS: inspected only at Nos 4 & 9. 1988 list description
noted that No.4 had panelled round arch at end of entrance
passage. Wooden geometrical stair with thin, square-section
balusters and shaped step-ends; balustrade voluted at the foot
round a lily-shaped newel. Skylight above with enriched
modillioned cornice. Ground-floor front room has 6-panelled
door, panelled shutters, enriched cornice, and grey marble
chimneypiece with mantelshelf on brackets. Similar
chimneypiece and cornice in rear room. Rear wing has
6-panelled door; larder with thin square-section balusters
forming a grille. First floor has 2 front rooms, that on right
having a cornice enriched with flowers; moulded wood
chimneypiece with circular panels in top corners, cast-iron
No.9 has ground-floor front room with 6-panelled door,
panelled shutters, enriched cornice and black marble
chimneypiece. Stair rebuilt. On first floor, right-hand front
room has moulded black slate chimneypiece with round panels in
top corners; ornate cast-iron grate.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: garden wall between Nos 8 & 9 is of cob
with coping of pantiles.
The houses are believed (on information from the residents) to
have been built at different times in the 1820s and 1830s,
starting at the west end. Externally they follow a design
common in Barnstaple at this period, but are now by far the
best-preserved examples surviving in the centre of the town.
The detached cottage behind No.10 is reported to be earlier
than the houses at the front. Listing NGR: SS5617132866
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