774-1/12/314 (South East side)
25/09/72 Nos.6-9 (Consecutive) GV II 4 terraced houses, Nos 6 and 7 now offices, Nos 8 and 9 now
restaurant (1 premise). Early C19, altered mid C19 and late
C20. Nos 6 and 7 stuccoed, Nos 8 and 9 painted brickwork.
Welsh slated roof, each with brick stack at centre.
EXTERIOR: each has 3 storeys and 1 wide bay. No.6 has C20
recessed door on left with moulded stone architrave, on right
restored C20 3-storey rectangular bay, each floor with
tripartite front, 1 centre sash 2 narrow flanking and 2 narrow
side sashes, pilasters divide lights, frieze and modillion
cornice, at top moulded band cornice and coped parapet, ground
floor has panelled apron.
No.7 has 6-panelled door on left, upper 4 panels glazed, thin
pilaster doorcase with cut entablature and small dentil
pediment. On right 2-storey tripartite canted bay each floor
with centre sash and narrow side sashes, pilasters dividing
lights, modillion cornice and tented roof. Second floor has 1
later 2-light casement, band course and coped parapet.
Nos 8 and 9 (now 1 premise) has 4 panelled door on left of
No.8 with thin pilaster doorcase and cornice. No.9 has C20
door between bays with plain projecting surround. To right of
Nos 8 and 9 each has 2-storey bay window, with rectangular
tripartite front with centre sash and narrow flanking and side
sashes, No.9 has C20 casements. On first floor over is a
canted tripartite bay with 4-pane centre sash and narrow
flanking sashes, pilasters dividing lights, cornice. On second
floor is a 6-pane sash to Nos 8 and 9, brick dentil band
course and coped parapets.
INTERIOR not inspected.
Listing NGR: SZ6380999214
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