802-1/9/64 (South side)
Saltburn Primary School (Marske Mill
base) II Includes: Saltburn Primary School (Marske Mill Base) MARSKE
MILL LANE Saltburn.
Shown on O.S. as Saltburn County Junior School.
Originally Girls' High School, now primary school. 1903,
altered late C20, by Russell & Cooper, contract architect
Edwin Cooper, for West Richmondshire Council.
MATERIALS: red stretcher bond brick with tooled ashlar
dressings; graduated light grey slate roofs.
STYLE: Neo-Georgian.
PLAN: U-plan.
EXTERIOR: single storey. North elevation 21 bays arranged
4:3:7:3:4; has low central projection with double 6-panel
door, in stone surround of architrave with broken pediment on
scroll brackets with stone panel to eaves, flanked by 9-pane
windows in architraves; long intermittent stone quoins;
roundels in returns.
Hall rises behind with 5 lunettes with radiating glazing bars.
Set back from entrance block are classroom bays with 3 tall
windows, lower sashes and top hinged transom lights, with
glazing bars; returns have tripartite window in similar style.
Set further back, classroom wings have 4 tall windows to
Side returns, 9 bays, 8 sashes and one roundel. All roundels
have stone keys with bright red brick surrounds.
Roof hipped at varied levels, the hall roof rising to a tall
domed cupola on columns and square plinth; dolphin wind vane.
Wide dormers with glazing bars and flat heads are on front and
returns of bays flanking centre.
All eaves overhang; brick chimney stacks rise from eaves at
front and at inner eaves. Small louvred ventilators in roofs
of wings.
South elevations of wings have large lunettes with glazing
bars and keyed brick arches. Playground elevations flanked by
wings show small original projections.
INTERIOR: most original detail intact, including doors and
windows throughout. Hall has square piers on north; both sides
have clerestory lunettes on deep entablature. Some original
cloakroom fittings - shoe boxes and shelves.
HISTORY: Edwin Cooper, 1873-1942, knighted in 1923, was one of
the leading architects of his generation. Born in Scarborough,
he designed various local educational buildings including,
Scarborough Technical Schools, 1898-1901. He went on to build
such nationally important buildings as Marylebone Town Hall,
1911-1918, The Port of London Authority Building, 1912-22, and
The Star and Garter Home, 1921-24.
An important early example of a Neo-Georgian style school. Listing NGR: NZ6596121097
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