630-1/26/908 (South East side)
05/05/72 Nos.31 AND 33
Park Lawn (No.31) and Springfield
Lawn (No.33) and attached railings GV II Pair of semi-detached villas with attached area and dividing
railings. c1833-50. Ashlar over brick with concealed roof,
stucco central ridge stack and iron balustrades.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys on basement, with attics to rear, 7
first-floor windows arranged 1:1:3:1:1, with central and end
breakforwards; further blind bay well set back at left.
Flights of 5 roll-edged steps to end entrances, 4-panel,
part-glazed doors with overlights with margin-glazing within
solid porches with paired pilasters, architrave, frieze and
cornice surmounted by balustrade with pierced X-motif, forming
balcony to first-floor window. 6/6 sashes throughout, taller
to ground floor, all in plain reveals and with sills, those to
3 central ground-floor windows and that to blind bay at left
have cornices on consoles, otherwise panels over. Crowning
frieze, cornice, low parapet, further frieze and cornice and
blocking course. Basement has 1/1 sashes. Left return has
central full-height canted bay with 6/6 sash and 2/2 sashes,
to first floor between blind window and 6/6 sash both with
cornices on consoles. Rear retains 6/6 and 8/8 sashes; attics
have casements.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: area railings have X-motif. Verandah to
canted bay on left return has slender Doric columns,
balustrade has Carron Company heart-and-anthemion motif.
Dividing arrowhead railings have bars and dogbars.
HISTORICAL NOTE: General Sir James Grant (1808-75) lived at
Park Lawn.
The Park had been laid out by 1833 by its owner Thomas
Billings as an oval, tree-lined drive with a central park
which, for a short period in the mid-C19, became a zoological
garden. In 1839 the development was bought by Samuel Daukes
who continued the building. This is one of the principal
developments influenced by White's and Nash's schemes for
Regent's Park (1809-11), London. A very distinguished villa
(Sampson A and Blake S: A Cheltenham Companion: Cheltenham:
1993-: 36,92; Merrett HS: Plan of the Town of Cheltenham:
1834-; Girouard M: The English Town: 1990-: 270-271).
Listing NGR: SO9406320735
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Books and journals Girouard, M , Life in the English Country House, (1978), 270-271 Merrett, H S , Plan of the Town of Cheltenham, (1834) Sampson, A, Blake, S , A Cheltenham Companion, (1993), 36, 92
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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