1941-1/9/111 (South side)
08/10/53 Nos.28 AND 29
(Formerly Listed as:
(South side)
Nos.28 AND 29
The Elephant Inn and adjoining house) GV II Includes: No.3 Elephant Inn PRIORYGATE.
Former public house (the Elephant Inn), and adjoining house.
Now the cathedral Clerk of Works office. 1695 and early C18,
altered 1825, late C19 and 1929. Stone, stucco and brick, with
plain tile and pantile roofs with 3 brick gable stacks.
EXTERIOR: former public house, fronting Priorygate, stucco, 2
storeys plus garrets, 2 bays. Rusticated ground floor, first
floor band, wooden modillion eaves. Off-centre round headed
rusticated doorcase with 6-panel door and fanlight. Over it, a
datestone, 1695. To left, a 16-pane sash, and above, two
12-pane sashes.
East block, fronting Eastgate, 2 storeys, 3 bays, has to north
a central lean-to porch, mid C20, flanked to right by a
glazing bar sash. To left, a single storey addition, dated
1929, with parapet. To right, an extruded corner, 2 storeys.
Above, 2 segment headed glazing bar sashes. At the rear, a
single storey addition, L-plan, with hipped roof. Above, a
segment headed 12-pane sash, and above again, a box dormer
with a 3-light casement.
INTERIOR: No.28 has on the ground floor a late C17 panelled
room with moulded cornice, fielded 6-panel door in moulded
surround, and an enriched Classical style fireplace with hob
No.29 has a late C17 oak dogleg stair, 4 flights, square
newels and acorn drops, turned balusters and moulded handrail.
Top landing has similar balustrade.
(Buildings of England : Lincolnshire: Pevsner N: Lincolnshire:
London: 1989-: 495; Jones S: The Survey of Ancient Houses in
Lincoln: Lincoln: 1984-: 19-22).
1941-1/9/111 (East side)
08/10/53 No.3
Elephant Inn GV II
Listing NGR: SK9790171896
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Books and journals Jones, , Major, , Varley, , The Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln (1st fascicule), (1984), 19-22 Pevsner, N, Harris, J, Antram, N, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, (1989), 495
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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