1941-1/9/240 (South side)
08/10/53 Vicars' Court, Nos.1, 2 and 2A GV I Former lodgings of the Vicars Choral, now 3 houses. Mid and
late C14, reroofed c1670, with C18, mid C19 and C20
alterations. Ashlar and dressed stone, with ashlar dressings
and plain tile roofs.
EXTERIOR: stepped, chamfered string course. 2 storeys plus
attics. Single range in blocks of 4 and 6 bays, with a single
bay addition, C19, at the south end. Fenestration mainly C19.
Northern block, to left, has a near-central doorway, C14, with
hoodmould and mask stops, flanked to left by a four-centred
arched window also with hoodmould. Beyond, a small pointed
arched casement. To right, 2 flat headed mullioned windows
with hoodmoulds.
Above, to left, 2 segmental pointed casements, and to right, 2
flat headed mullioned windows, all with hoodmoulds.
Above again, 2 restored gabled dormers.
Southern range has a central flat headed doorway with
keystone, and above it, a shield. To its left, a glazing bar
sash, and beyond, a plain sash. To right, a flat headed window
with 3 pointed arched lights, and a moulded doorway, both C19,
with hoodmoulds. Beyond again, a single gabled buttress.
Above, 6 renewed glazing bar casements. Above again, a large
gabled dormer to left, and 2 smaller dormers to right.
Addition, C19, has two 2-light windows with flat heads,
pointed arched lights and hoodmoulds. Above, a central canted
wooden oriel window on a shaped bracket.
Rear has 4 brick and stone external buttressed stacks, and a
garderobe tower with late C19 hipped oversailing top stage.
INTERIOR has several intact garderobes, mainly on the ground
floor. At the north end, a ground floor medieval ceiling with
transverse chamfered beams on double corbels. The lobby
between 2A and 2 retains its stone side walls. Roofs renewed
This building is a noteworthy early example of collegiate
(Buildings of England : Lincolnshire: Pevsner N: Lincolnshire:
London: 1989-: 489-491; Jones S: The Survey of Ancient Houses
in Lincoln: Lincoln: 1987-: 40-62; Report and overall
assessment of listable quality: Hewlings R: Secular
properties..... in Lincoln Minster Close: London: 1987-). Listing NGR: SK9787371703
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Books and journals Hewlings, R, Secular properties in Lincoln Minster Close, (1987) Jones, , Major, , Varley, , The Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln (2nd fascicule), (1987), 40-62 Pevsner, N, Harris, J, Antram, N, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, (1989), 489-491
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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