620-1/17/590 (West side)
25/06/87 Church of St Paul II Also known as: Church of St Paul ST PAUL'S STREET.
Anglican Church. 1885 by father and son, George and Arthur
Street, in an aggressive polychrome mid-C13 style. Orange brick
with black brick trim and patternising; Bath stone linings and
tracery windows and a minimal use of stone for off-sets, kneelers
and copings; tiled roofs with cresting to ridge of chancel and
cockscomb ridge to nave. 5-bay aisled and clerestoried nave,
3-bay chancel with lower side chapel to south and gabled transept
to north with vestry to north-east; double bell-cote at east end
of nave; slight gabled baptistry projection below west window.
Cinquefoiled lancets to the chancel; pairs of lancets to the
sides. Church entered from Spring Gardens and the north aisle has
outer pointed doorways with moulded hollow-chamfered reveals in
three orders and with oculi over; decorative ironwork to the
doors. Clerestoreys have pairs of truncated lancets framed by
roundels under wide segmental arches; here the patternising is
most insistent with black brick alternating voussoirs extending
back, blind roundels treated in the same manner and a
chequer/diaper pattern under the eaves. The organ chamber is
treated as a projecting north transept with an unfinished
octagonal turret at its north-east corner. The east window
consists of three stepped lancets with plate tracery
incorporating blind star-shapes under a relieving arch. The west
window has three separate stepped lancets under a black and red
brick relieving arch, the centre light stepped up over the gable
of the projecting baptistry, which is lit by a spherical
triangle; plain black edged roundel over the western recess. The
flanking aisles have two-light-and-round windows.
INTERIOR: the interior is heavily patterned in black and orange
brick polychromy with banding in Bath stone also. 5-bay arcades
of two chamfered orders, continuous but for the corbelling of the
inner order at the springing level and the introduction of
cut-out zig-zag patterns between the orders of the arches. Roof
of braced collar-rafter-type lit by the western roundel. The
baptistry has a corbelled internal gable. The chancel is up steps
and separated by an iron screen of simple pattern. In the
chancel, patterned tiled floors; to the north the organ chamber
and the priest's door under a strangely patterned gable, and to
the south two low segmental arches into the south (Lady) Chapel.
FITTINGS: Lady Chapel reredos, probably by Street, of grey marble
with central trefoiled panel flanked by two pairs of double
panels, all blind, and gabled uprights at each end. Font of stone
with octagonal bowl on each face of which are sunken rectangular
panels alternating with arched panels; plinth of polished marble
and a stem with polished marble half-colonettes agains each of
the our faces.
STAINED GLASS:: all glass in chancel windows by Kempe, c1886;
south chapel east window, by Kempe, c1888; in south aisle, by
Kempe, c1904, with west window by Kempe and Company, 1929; north
aisle, all by Kempe, c1899 except the fourth window, which is by
Camper, 1927.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N: Worcestershire:
Harmondsworth: 1968-1985: 320-1; Dept of the Environment List ...
District of Worcester (City): London: 1971-; Hart, Christopher:
The History & Architecture of St Paul's Church Worcester:
Worcester: 1995-).
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