GLAISDALE 2/0/10009 Rake Farmhouse and attached outbuildings
27-OCT-04 II
Farmhouse with attached outbuildings. 1749 on datestone over front door, restored C20. Dressed local stone under clay pantile roof. Two storey double-depth house with single storey extension to rear which links to outbuildings forming a courtyard to the side of the house.
South facade: central doorway with round-headed arch supported by projecting stone consoles, prominent keystone dated 1749, modern wooden panelled door. To left, two rectangular windows with modern casements set in square-cut stone jambs. To right, two matching windows and a further smaller one. Projecting string-course at first floor height. First floor: two series of small round-arched stone window-heads of four lights divided by stone mullions, with modern sash windows. Single window of same type above front door. Prominent kneelers at corners and raised gables at each end. Stone chimney at each gable end.
West face: one small four-pane sash within roof space to right of chimney stack, and a second blocked to the left.
East face: one single paned small window in roof space to right of chimney stack, blocked doorway with heavy stone lintel towards right. Two projecting stones near top of gable, to either side of chimney stack.
Rear extension:single storey two bays of dressed stone under clay pantile roof. Evidence on west face of an earlier small outshot. Door and two windows on east side, modern bay window to north, two windows to east. Central chimney with reused stone in stack bearing date and initials, upside down.
North face (rear): large modern bay window to right, small round-arched window to centre, similar to first floor windows at front, small two light window to first floor with stone mullion, and a further first floor modern window.
INTERIOR: not examined: ground floor rooms said to have exposed beams.
Outbuildings: all in dressed stone under clay pantile roofs, with raised gables. Low single storey range to east of house running from house extension. Two storey range with barn door and external staircase, re-roofed with new pantiles, at right angles to first range, and attached single storey range parallel to first range, with ball finial on top of west gable. The whole forms a paved courtyard to the west of the house and the style is consistent with that of the house.
The house appears to be little altered externally, apart from the new windows. These mostly respect the original window openings however, with the exception of the bay windows at the rear. There is evidence of alterations at the sides and rear, but the front is largely original. The outbuildings form an integral part of the farm complex, and though probably added later, could still be C18.
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