29-APR-04 156 GV II
Manufactory, now workshops and offices. Mid and late C19 with late C20 alterations. Red brick with painted stone dressings and blue brick detailing.Slate roof covering.
PLAN: Irregular U-shaped premises, created by the amalgamation of 2 adjacent works, and occupying a corner site.
EXTERIOR: Warstone Lane frontage of storeys and attic, 5 bays, made up of 4-bay curved corner part attached to long 15-bay elevation to east side of Pemberton Street, a lower remodelled centre bay and taller mid-C19 right-hand bay, formerly a separate manufactory. Warstone Lane elevation with semi-circular arch headed door to right, now blocked, single ground floor window with bracketed cornice and c20 frame, and painted flat arch headed upper floor window above 4 narrow first floor openings. Lower bay to left with narrow vehicle opening, and bracketed eaves. Curved corner range has blue brick plinth and wide, shallow pointed arch headed doorway with moulded brick surround shallow barred overlight and painted hood mould. Further left, 2 windows with pointed - arched heads and painted brick band above. 3 over 3 pane sash frames set on painted cills. Further left, altered doorway. First floor windows on narrow painted cill bands with 3 over 2-pane sashes, some altered. Attic storey with sill band and narrow flat-headed lights, arranged 1:3:3:3. Pemberton Street elevation of 2 phases of matching detail, 2 storey and attics above a basement, 15 window bays arranged 4:4:7, with shallow arch-headed openings to ground and first floors, and painted brick hood bands to arch heads. Upper floor windows with flat heads forming eaves line. Painted brick and blue brick sill bands. Multi-pane cast iron window frames to most openings. Inserted doorway to north end bay. Courtyard to rear now largely overbuilt, and with storeyed wing extending eastwards to north end.
HISTORY: The 1889 Ordnance Survey map identifies the Pemberton Street site as Novelty Works, an electro-plating manufactory. The frontage is shown as part developed, before the construction of the 7 northern bays. The eastern bay of the Warstone Lane frontage is identified as a stamping and piercing works, with access from the present vehicle entrance into a narrow yard with a workshop range on its west side.
Forms a group with Nos. 27 and 28 Pemberton Street (q.v.)
A late C19 manufactory, developed in stages by extension and amalgamation, with clear architectural differentiation between office and workshop areas. A distinctive and little-altered component of a specialist manufacturing district of Birmingham now considered to be of international significance.
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