Reasons for Designation
There are many houses of the later C19 and early C20 in North Oxford which have some outward architectural merit, and great care needs to be exercised in selecting from among them those which through their design, or historic significance, meet the criteria to be added to the list. This pair of houses, although with less detail and interest than the contemporary terraced row to one side which has been recommended for listing, is nevertheless of considerable interest in its own right as well as having group value. The houses are already in the Walton Manor Conservation Area.
07-OCT-08 16-18 GV II
Semi-detached pair of small houses. DATE:
Red brick with flush ashlar dressings; hipped plain tile roofs with terracotta ball finials; central brick stack. PLAN:
Pair of semi-detached houses. EXTERIOR:
2 storeys. 2 canted bay windows rise through eaves to steep hipped roofs, and have sashes with glazing bars and ashlar surrounds. Ground-floor lintel is carried across to either side over doorway to small corner buttress. Plank doors each with narrow strip of tiny over-lights. HISTORY:
Before Oxford's 1832 enclosure Plantation Road comprised not a single road but two separate lanes servicing small 'old' enclosures that had been laid out on part of the Tagg's Garden plantation. The street is narrow and of varied character, with the later housing, mostly of the mid C19 to 1900, standing towards its west end. Numbers 16-18 form a pair of workers' cottages of 1884 designed by by H.W. Moore. The architect's plans show the original layout of living room, washroom and pantry to rear, and winder stair up to three bedrooms. The pair stands alongside the contemporary terraced row 2-14, designed by Moore for the Oxford Cottage Improvement Society. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANCE:
There are many houses of the later C19 and early C20 in North Oxford which have some outward architectural merit, and great care needs to be exercised in selecting from among them those which through their design, or historic significance, meet the criteria to be added to the list. This pair of houses, although with less detail than the contemporary terraced row to one side which has also been recommended for listing, is nevertheless of considerable interest in its own right as well as having group value, and is an unusual example of a philanthropic housing enterprise. The houses are already in the Walton Manor Conservation Area. SOURCES:
T. Hinchcliffe, North Oxford (1992); Oxford City Engineers' Archives OS 946.
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This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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