Reasons for Designation
Yes list
784-1/0/10190 ROBIN LANE
(East side)
Threshing barn with attached stable and granary. Barn dates from mid-late C18, and the stable and granary from late C18 to early C19. Sandstone rubble; corrugated asbestos roofing (not of special interest).
PLAN: Barn is large rectangular building of four bays with large, opposing doorways in centre of east and west long elevations. Built against the south gable wall is a two-storey building with stable on the ground floor and granary on the first floor.
EXTERIOR: Barn is built of roughly squared and coursed sandstone rubble with a deep, slightly projecting plinth, two rows of ventilation slits to the walls, stone gable coping, and shaped kneelers. Tall, wide threshing doorways with segmental heads with curved timber lintels. East doorway retains stone blocks with slots to hold timber threshold at base of jambs. West doorway (not now external as later milking parlour built against barn) has been largely in-filled with rubble stone, leaving a pedestrian doorway. Square pitching holes in both north and south gable walls, and also south end of east wall. Pedestrian doorway in south corner of west wall.
Stable and granary is built in a similar manner of roughly squared and coursed sandstone rubble, with a slightly lower, double-pitched roof with stone gable coping and shaped kneelers. Straight jointing between the two buildings. West elevation has doorway with square, barred window to right, and blocked first-floor doorway over ground-floor doorway. East elevation has two square ground-floor windows, the left with a later, glazed cross frame, the right with vertical wooden slats and a row of three small-pane lights over. There is a similar square window opening on the first floor. The south gable wall has a square, first-floor window, now blocked, and a later, rectangular opening with a wooden lintel and frame of four-over-four lights (unglazed) inserted above the roofline of a later attached building.
INTERIOR: Barn has three hewn principal rafters with collars and slightly curved tie-beams, roughly shaped and chamfered, with two rows of trenched purlins to each side and a diamond ridge post. The wall plates have been partially removed or encased in four rows of bricks. On the north side of the barn doors is an inserted timber processing floor. The south gable wall has a blocked doorway to the right and an abutting flight of stone steps on a brick base leading up to an inserted first-floor doorway to the left into the adjoining granary. The two adjacent brick silo bases are modern and not of special interest.
The stable is ceiled with a large truss running east-west across the building and supporting the joists. Later brick and pipe floor troughs along the south wall, probably for calves, are not of special interest. The first-floor granary has plastered walls. The roof has two roughly-shaped pole purlins to each side, and a similar ridge pole. A cross truss has tenons for ceiling joists, now removed.
The remaining agricultural buildings, which include an engine house, originally open-fronted shed, pigsties and service building, milking parlour and calf houses, stable block and cattle houses, and a pair of semi-detached cottages, are not considered of special interest as they were built piecemeal over the course of C19, have been altered, or lack evidence of technological innovation, and also lack architectural quality. There are also a number of modern sheds which are not of special interest.
A 1799 Enclosure Map (held in Derbyshire Archives) shows two buildings on the site. By 1892 the Ordnance Survey map shows a yard flanked by barn and engine house on the west side, and ranges of buildings on the north and west sides (bounding the road), with a separate building to the north. The cottages to the south are also present. The complex is largely complete on the 1898 OS map, with a degree of infill between the earlier buildings. The complex was first identified on the 1923 OS map, where it is named 'Sothall Farm', and as late at 1950-1 it is labelled as such. It is not known when the name Reignhead Farm was given. More recently the buildings in the west range have been demolished, leaving the back walls as a boundary wall, alterations have been made to many of the other buildings, and various modern sheds have been attached to the north and east sides of the complex.
The mid-late C18 threshing barn and adjoining late C18-early C19 stable and granary building at Reignhead Farm, Robin Lane, Beighton, are designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Date: the roof construction of hewn timbers suggests a date for both buildings of between 1750-1840, when English agriculture was the most advanced in the world
* Rarity: the threshing barn appears to have been an outpost building for a main complex located elsewhere as there is no farmhouse, and in contrast to its isolated origin is now located in a built-up urban setting, where it provides evidence of the area's former rural arable history
* Intactness: the distinctive form of the four-bay barn is clearly evident despite minor alterations, with coursed stone walls containing ventilation slits, stone coping and kneelers, large opposing threshing doorways with threshold slots, and three principal rafters with collars and curved, chamfered tie beams, and trenched purlins
* Development: the stable and granary is built in a similar manner as the barn against which it abuts, and is evidence of the development of facilities on the site