Reasons for Designation
The granary (c 68m south of Sunton House), Sunton Farm, Marlborough Road, Collingbourne Ducis, Wiltshire, is recommended for listing at grade II for the following principal reasons: * Rarity & Completeness: It is a good example of an C18 freestanding granary that has survived mostly intact.
* Historical Interest: It successfully reflects the farming history and vernacular building traditions of the area.
* Group Value: It forms part of an important group of historic farm buildings at Sunton Farm, including Sunton House (the former farm house).
28-JUN-10 Granary (68 m south of Sunton House) GV II
An C18 free standing, two storey, granary. MATERIALS: Timber framed and weather boarded, standing on twelve stone staddles (one now replaced with a brick support), and with a pitched roof now covered with corrugated metal sheets, probably replacing former slates. EXTERIOR: The entrance, situated at the north gable end, has a vertical planked door and a ventilation window above. Attached to the east is a weather boarded lean-to, added in the early C20, with large planked timber doors to the south, and corrugated metal sheets to the roof (of late C20 date). The south gable end is blind and the west elevation has a ventilation window at ground floor level. INTERIOR: Its timber frame remains mostly intact, including the timber posts to the former partitions and the plank lining to the walls. The timber floor remains, though it may be a later replacement. HISTORY: The granary formed part of Sunton Farm, a relatively large late-C18 agricultural complex that specialised in the processing and storage of grain. The former farm house to Sunton Farm stands north of the granary, and is now called Sunton House (qv). Sunton Farm is marked on the Collingbourne Kingston Tithe Map of 1844 and on subsequent Ordnance Survey maps. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: The granary (c68m south of Sunton House), Sunton Farm, Marlborough Road, Collingbourne Ducis, Wiltshire, is recommended for listing at grade II for the following principal reasons: * Rarity and Completeness: It is a good example of a late C18 freestanding timber framed and weather boarded granary on stone staddles that has survived mostly intact.
* Historical Value: It forms part of an important group of historic farm buildings at Sunton Farm, including Sunton House (the former farm house to Sunton Farm) and the associated granary to its north.
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