(West side) Nos. 1-9 (Consec)
GV II Terrace of nine houses. c1864.
MATERIALS: Ashlar, painted to No.7, slate and concrete tile roofs. A steeply stepped terrace with wide span roofs, and rear wings.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, two/one windows each, plain sashes; Nos.1 and 2 have cornices on consoles above the ground floor windows, the remainder have a flat roofed canted bay, with cornice and blocking; to Nos. 8 and 9 the bay has a pair of French casements, but otherwise they have sashes. The doors, paired to Nos. 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8, are four-panel, some with glazing, and with a transom light, these with margin panes to Nos.1, 3, 4 and 8. There is a continuous stepped and swept sill band, with brackets to the windows, and a similar moulded cornice with blocking course and parapet. The party divisions are coped, with ashlar stacks to pairs generally, and each side of the ridge in No. 9. Slate roofs remain to Nos. 2, 3 and 8. To the rear are various lights, generally plain sash to the upper floor, and there are paired wings, but single wings with lean-to slopes to Nos.1 and 2 and No. 9 has a hipped wing with plastic windows, and a large stack.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. The interior of No. 8 recorded by Bath Preservation Trust in 1993: wooden stair with mahogany handrail; plain marble fireplace surrounds; decorative plasterwork of various periods, reflecting considerable Edwardian remodelling.
HISTORY: A late classical terrace, facing east with views across the valley, and with larger single houses at each end (qv Abbey View House and No.10). First appears in Bath Directory for 1866-1867. Listing NGR: ST7579164395
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