(South side (off))
Barn and courtyard buildings at Rainbow Wood Farmhouse and attached walls (Formerly Listed as: CLAVERTON DOWN ROAD Rainbow Wood Farmhouse. Barn and Cottage at Rainbow Wood Farmhouse) GV
II Barn, dairy and courtyard, with entrance gatepiers. Late C17, mid C18 with late C19 alterations.
MATERIALS: Barn in squared limestone rubble, with double Roman tile roof.
PLAN: Long gabled range, attached left to Farmhouse (qv), with coped gable to saddlestone, and extended.
EXTERIOR: Two storey buildings. Central full height plank doors are set flush; to left two oculi with flush stone surrounds, above lean-to. To right of doors are five rows of pigeon openings, above three two-light stone-mullioned casements with transom, members with face beading, beneath weathered string, cut back, left. Beyond main barn rough arched opening with plank door. Outer face has large lean-to to left, with pantile roof.
INTERIOR: Barn in eight bays, with king-post trusses, and with floors either side of brick threshing floor. Return range has small two storey range with plank door at head of steep flight of stone steps, then two large conjoined C19 gabled units brought forward into yard, with wide plank openings. Rear of this range has rubble to ground floor, but ashlar above, with tall eight-pane casements. Linking outbuildings with farmhouse is tall (approx 3m) rubble wall, with lean-to on internal face, at house end, then pair of large square ashlar gatepiers with bold cappings on bed-mould, to opening approx 3.5m wide, but with no gates. Listing NGR: ST7752263721
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