656-1/18/1231 (South side)
Nos.5-11 (Consec) (Formerly Listed as: LONDON ROAD (South side) Nos 5-11 (consec) Percy Place)
12/06/50 GV II Seven miscellaneous terrace houses. Late C18 and early C19, with C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, double pitched slate roofs, some double Roman tiles to rear with moulded stacks to party walls.
PLAN: Double depth plans with rear additions.
EXTERIOR: Nos 5 to 8 appear to be right hand side of terrace designed to be symmetrical. Four storeys with basements, each house has two-window range. Continuous cornice, parapet and moulded sill string courses to upper floors sweep up from two houses to right and continue over to two stepped up houses to left. Banded rustication to ground floor with incised voussoirs. Originally with six/six-pane sash windows, now only retained by No.8 with some crown glass, others have late C19 plate glass sashes, some with chamfered arrises. Various six-panel doors. No.6 has late C19 projecting porch with returned cornice and blocking course over cornice on consoles to door. No.9 has lower, three storeys with attic and basement with two windows to first floor and one to each of other floors. Parapet, which sweeps up at corners has been lowered in front of central dormer. Double Roman tile roof. One six/six-pane sash window to second floor, to right of first floor and left of ground floor, two/two-pane sash without horns to left of first floor and six-panel door in moulded architrave with pulvinated frieze and pediment. Upper part of window to right of door blocked. No.10 has mid C19, three storeys with attic and basement, three-window range. One C20 dormer to right, coped parapet, cornice and ground floor platband. Six/six-pane sash windows, those to centre blind with painted glazing bars. Projecting pedimented porch to left of centre has engaged Ionic columns supporting glyph frieze with paterae to ends and centre. No.11 terminating terrace to left, mid C19, taller, with steep C20 mansard roof with one dormer. Three storeys with attic and basement, two-window range. Coped parapet, cornice returned to left and moulded first floor sill string course. Six/six-pane sash windows to second floor, semicircular arched recesses to plate glass windows without horns to first and ground floors. Late C19 large projecting porch to left has cornice and blocking course stepped out over consoles flanking six-panel door with roundels to central panels. Left return has blind windows. Some balconettes to rear.
INTERIORS: Not inspected but noted as having panelled shutters and some plasterwork. Listing NGR: ST7588766088
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