656-1/30/1264 (South West side)
No.17 and attached railings (Formerly Listed as: PORTLAND PLACE (South side) Nos.17-20 (Consec))
11/08/72 GV II House, now flats. c1786.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar to front, rubble below basement windows, rubble to rear, double pile parapeted mansard roof, Welsh slate to front and rear with very large slates to rear, coped party wall to left with rebuilt ashlar stack with some early clay pots to front, small rebuilt ashlar stack to rear.
PLAN: House at angle of Portland Place and Burlington Street has wide front to Portland Place with narrow return to Burlington Street, wedge shaped narrowing to rear elevation, staircase to centre front.
EXTERIOR: Front to Portland Place has three storeys, attic, basement and sub-basement, three-bay four-window range. First floor has four six/six-sashes in plain reveals, to left with wrought iron balconettes, to right paired windows with similar continuous balconette. Second floor has four similar sashes in plain reveals. Ground floor has similar sash to left in plain reveal with stone sill, to right similar paired sashes with continuous stone sill, six-panel door with flush beaded, fielded and glazed panels in plain reveal with two pennant steps in pedimented Doric doorcase with full round columns with incised numeral `17' and wrought iron lamp bracket with leaf decoration, small six-pane window in plain reveal to left of door, two steps to broad pennant paved crossover. Basement has six/six-sash in plain reveal with stone sill to left, two similar paired sashes with continuous stone sill to right, 2 openings to sub-basement under windows to left and right, door under crossover not visible, C20 area steps. Two double dormers with six/six-sashes. Band course over ground floor with C19 painted street sign `PORTLAND PLACE¿ to left, weathered sill bands to first and second floors, modillion eaves cornice and rendered coped parapet. Band courses, cornice and parapet returned to narrow elevation to left. Rear elevation has three grouped plate glass horned sashes to ground, first and second floors, triple dormer with two/two-sashes.
INTERIOR: Not inspected; noted as having cantilevered stone staircase with moulded soffit.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Attached wrought iron railings and gate with urn tops and urn finial to left of crossover, missing to right, on limestone bases.
HISTORY: See entry for 1-10 Portland Place.
SOURCES: Ison W: The Georgian Buildings of Bath: London: 1948-: 162. Listing NGR: ST7471365610
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